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The Wars of Mexican Independence- Daniela Romero

  • Planning the Independence

    Planning the Independence
    Miguel Hidalgo began to plan how to gain independence with Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez also known as the corregidora. Many others began to join such as Aldama, Ignacio Allende and they started to make a literary group. They had a perfect plan on how the independence would work but they got caught and had to change all of the dates so they wouldn’t be in trouble.
  • Miguel Hidalgo got arrested

    Miguel Hidalgo got arrested
    Miguel Hidalgo got arrested after the literary group was caught with the independance plans. They were all revolting in order to go through with the plans that they had and Miguel Hidalgo was arrested for going against the government.
  • Grito de Dolores

    Grito de Dolores
    El Grito de Dolores was the event that marks the beginning of the Mexican Independence. The “grito” was given by Miguel Hidalgo (a roman catholic priest). This caused many people to revolt and began to make the plans the literary group had planned.
  • The Siege of Guanajuato

    The Siege of Guanajuato
    Miguel Hidalgo led some Mexicans to Guanajuato to fight against the spaniards. The group was made up of workers, indians, peasants and miners who were mad. They eventually won because the other side only had 400 defenders.
  • The Battle of Monte de las Cruces

    The Battle of Monte de las Cruces
    This battle was one of the battles before the Mexican Independence. It was fought between Hidalgo’s troops and Torcuato Trujillo’s troops, it took place in mountains between Mexico and Toluca. Miguel Hidalgo decided to go back to Guanajuato and not attack Mexico City since he had already won.
  • The Battle of Calderon Bridge

    The Battle of Calderon Bridge
    This battle was very decisive and took place in the Calderon river. Calleja had planned an attack and he had to wait on the Calderon Bridge and in January 17 the battle began. Almost 100,000 Mexicans contributed to the attack and the other side had very few professional forces.
  • Miguel Hidalgo’s execution

    Miguel Hidalgo’s execution
    Miguel Hidalgo was the father that conspired against the Spanish. He was executed on July 31 1811, the viceroy sent soldiers to find him since he has been caught guilty for treason. Hidalgo was found by the Spanish and was taken to Chihuahua to kill him. He recieved various gun shots and followed by his head being cut off.
  • Jose Maria Morelos Death

    Jose Maria Morelos Death
    After Miguel Hidalgo was executed, Jose Maria Morelos took the position of being the leader. Since Morelos was an excellent leader he was followed by the Spanish to be killed. When the Spanish captured him he was taken to Mexico City chained as a prisoner where he was finally killed for treason.
  • Plan de Iguala

    Plan de Iguala
    General Vicente Guerrero and General Agustin de Iturbide worked together to bring down the Spaniards and this plan consisted of a peace treaty. It had three main goals which were to establish roman catholic religion, Mexico’s independence and social equality.
  • Independence was granted

    Independence was granted
    After 11 years of fighting the Mexicans finally got their Independence. All of their battles lost and won impacted how they started off. They began their independent country a little rough because of the economy they had at that time. Agustin Iturbide was named as president and was later on crowned as an emperor.