The War of 1812

By gioL112
  • President Madison makes an offer With France and Great Britain

    President Madison would make a deal with either great Britain or France to stop trading with the enemy,if they would be peaceful.
  • Battle of Tappecanoe

    near present-day Lafayette, Indiana between American forces led by Governor William Henry Harrison of the Indiana Territory and Native American warriors associated with the Shawnee leader Tecumseh.
  • Perry captured a British fleet on Lake Erie

    The Battle of Lake Erie, sometimes called the Battle of Put-in-Bay, was fought on 10 September 1813 , in Lake Erie off the coast of Ohio during the War of 1812.
  • Battle of Thames River

    British troops under Major General Henry Procter had occupied Detroit until the U.S. Navy gained control of Lake Erie, depriving them of their supplies.
  • British attack Washington D.C

    Less than a day after the attack began, a sudden, very heavy thunderstorm—possibly a hurricane—put out the fires. It also spun off a tornado that passed through the center of the capital, setting down.
  • british attacked Baltimore

    The Battle of Baltimore was a sea/land battle fought between British invaders and American defenders in the War of 1812. American forces repulsed sea and land invasions off the busy port city of Baltimore, Maryland, and killed the commander of the invading British forces.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans was an engagement fought between January 8 and January 18, 1815, constituting the final major battle of the War of 1812
  • Napoleon was defeated

    The Corsica-born Napoleon, one of the greatest military strategists in history, rapidly rose in the ranks of the French Revolutionary Army during the late 1790s.