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The USA in the twentieth century

  • The Beginning

    The USA enters WWI
  • The Roaring Twenties

    The twenties brought the atutomobile, the telephone, elevtricity and the motion picture pluss more industrial growth. in 1929 the stock market crashed.
  • The worst decade for USA

    the stock market crash in 1929 led to a depression centry. This decade was led to poverty, struggle and massiv unemployment.
  • The daced of war

    The USA diden't want to go to war a second time, but on 1941 the japanese bomb pearl harbor. this led USA to go to war.
  • The decade of growth.

    In this decade all thing did grow : economic, political, military and population. cars was more common and american goods was seling.
  • The decade of war and changes

    1960 was the start of many things the vietnam war, civil tights movement, new president, a tragedy, a cold war and the space race.
  • the rights to women and a end to the vietnam war

    womens got rights and the vietnam war was at a end. many immigrants from asia started traveling to the usa after the war.
  • the decade of music

    the 80s was filled of pop icons and music videos,
  • The short war and the pc

    1991 operation desert storm was a short war in the middle east.
    the internet and pc was reviled to people.
  • The start of a new century

    2001 was a year of grief a terror attack struck the USA.
    at the start pepole was scared that a worldwide cpmputer crash was real but it did not happen.