The Facts about the Tragedy of "The Unsinkable Ship"

  • The Titanic is built

    The Titanic is built
    Fact: Pictures of the Titanic show 4 black funnels. Three of them let the steam out. The 4th was mainly for show. The biggest ship in the world at the time cost $7.5 million to build.
  • The Titanic Departs from Southampton, England

    The Titanic Departs from Southampton, England
    Fact: The ship's wake was so big that when it set sail it sucked in another ship, the New York, and almost caused a crash.
  • Queenstown stop

    Queenstown stop
    Fact: At 12:30 pm, the Titanic picked up passengers and mail in Queenstown, England. The R.M.S. Titanic was a Royal Mail Ship responsible for delivering mail for England. 3,423 sacks of mail were never recovered.
  • Warnings of ice

    Warnings of ice
    Fact: Beginning at 1:42 pm and continuing to 11:00 pm, The Titanic receives many warnings of ice from ships including The Caronia, The Baltic, The Amerika, The Californian and The Mesaba. The last warning from The Californian got cut off before giving the location of the ice.
  • The Titanic hits an iceberg

    The Titanic hits an iceberg
    Fact: The Titanice hits an iceberg at Latitude 41* 46' N Longitude 50* 14'W. The huge iceberg came from Greenland and was 100 feet tall.
  • Uncovering the lifeboats

    Uncovering the lifeboats
    Fact: At 12:05 AM, orders are given to uncover the lifeboats and gather the crew and passengers. Unfortunately, the Titanic held no passenger lifeboat drills at all during it's trip. The lifeboats were not filled to nor were they enough of them.
  • 1st wireless call for help

    1st wireless call for help
    Fact: CQD Titanic 41.44 N 50.24 W. was used to call for help. This CQD was the original call for help. SOS was then used for the first time in history the day the Titanic sank.
  • The 1st rocket was fired from the Titanic

    The 1st rocket was fired from the Titanic
    Fact: The crew of the Titanic fired rockets that sent incorrect signals to surrounding ships. Random rockets were fired but the message they sent said "I'm having a navigation problem, please stand clear".
  • Carpathia to the rescue

    Carpathia to the rescue
    Fact: By 4:00 AM, and after three and a half hours, the Carpathia arrived. 706 people were rescued. While waiting for the Carpathia, the 706 survivors aboard the few Titanic lifeboats listened as 1,517 women,men and children cried for help before drowning.
  • The Titanic snaps in half

    The Titanic snaps in half
    Fact: At first, the passengers did not understand how serious the situation was. It was a cold night and the "unsinkable" Titanic seemed safe, even though there was chaos and warnings. Once people saw that the ship was sinking, everyone ran for a lifeboat and some jumped off the ship. After they knew there wasn't enough lifeboats, many passengers stayed on the sinking ship. At 2:18 AM the Titanic broke in half and sank to the bottom of the ocean two minutes later.