2014 09 17 21.23.29 1

The United States Since World War ll

  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    After World War ll, tensions grew between the United States and The Soviet Union. This was the start of the cold war. The soviets believed in communism and wanted to expand around the world, and the U.S. apposed it. The cold war lasted for more than fourty years, ending in 1985.
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    The United States Since World War ll

  • Breaking The Sound Barrier

    Breaking The Sound Barrier
    On this day Chuck Yeager an airforce pilot, did the inevitable. He flew a high speed jet breaking the sound barrier. Experts thought this to be impossible,said it would tear apart any aircraft, but they were wrong! Now we can travel at mach 3.2, which is over 3 times the sound barrier and currently working on exceeding it.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The korean War was the result of the expansion of communism into Asia, it was a bloody war which drew in the United States Military forces and resulted in the division of the country, seperating from communist dictatorship, isolating the North still to this day, and creating democracy and prosperity for the south. The United States still remains present to this day on the 38th parallel to keep the peace.
  • The Civil Rights Era

    The Civil Rights Era
    The Civil Rights Movement was for equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citezenship, dates back to the 19th century and peaked in the 1950's and 1960's. African American men, women, and children were treated with complete disrespect. They were unable to go to places where white people were. Restraunts, bathrooms, and busses were segregated, until they decided to boycott the Montgomery Alabama bussing system in protest for the unjust treatmen of Rosa Parks.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was the longest war in the history of the United States. It was an unpopular war with the ciizens of the U.S. ,and created a divide and protests back home. The war started in 1955, but the U.S. forces entered the war in 1965 and remained until 1975. Approximatley 60,000 American troops lost their lives and thousands left with harsh injuries, and mental scars. America left unacomplished, and the communist overtook vietnam after all the effort and lives lost.
  • The Cuban Crisis

    The Cuban Crisis
    During the Cuban Missle crisis the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a tense, 13 day military standoff. The soviets were installing nuclear missiles in cuba, 90 miles from U.S shores. There was grave fear of a full out nuclear war.
  • The Space Race, Landing On The Moon and High Tech

    The Space Race, Landing On The Moon and High Tech
    The cold war was not only about communism, there was competition of the high tech industry. The invention of television development of computers, breaking the sound barrier, and the race to space, actually putting a man on the moon. On July 20 1969, Neil Armsrong took the first steps on the Moon.
  • President Reagans speech to tear down the Berlin Wall

    President Reagans speech to tear down the Berlin Wall
    On this day President reagan gave a speech to the soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev representing the end of the cold war,and the desire for peace, prosperity and liberation. The wall came down in 1989.
  • Los Angeles riots 1992

    Los Angeles riots 1992
    An African American Man, Rodney King, was unjustly beaten by four white LA cops in 1991, and aquitted for any wrong doing. This sparked massive rioting, and racial tensions. For 5 days there was riots, luting, leaving more than 50 people dead, a city and a nation torn apart.
  • The New Era

    The New Era
    The Cold War has ended and a new Era has begun, On September 11 2001, several terrorists hijacked 4 commercial jets, crashing them all. One crashed in a field, another into the pentagon, and two into the World Trade Center towers, killing thousands of people, and awakening an angry nation. America took the fight to the middle east, hunting down those responsible. The world has changed but America has remained interdependent even with the threats of post 9/11.
  • Barack Obama First African Ameican President

    Barack Obama First African Ameican President
    On this day in history, African Americans had leaped to the highest position of the world, Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th president of the United states of America and reelected for a second term making historical gains representing the civil rights movement.
  • Boston Marathon Bombings

    Boston Marathon Bombings
    At the end of the race, wasn't just a finish line waiting but a cowardly attack on innocent civilians. Another attack by Islamic terrorist motrives. The bombs went off killing 5 and injuring 280 people, causing a highly responsive 4 day search for those responsible to bring them to justice. In the end one brother was killed and the other was captured and is still going through legal precedings.