The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

  • Event 1

    The wolf was trying to bake a birthday cake for his grandma.
  • Event 2

    The wolf needed a cup of sugar.
  • Event 3

    He went a visited the pig whose house was made of straw.
  • Event 4

    Nobody answered the door at the straw house.
  • Event 5

    The wolf huffed, and he snuffed, AND HE BLEW THE HOUSE DOWN.
  • Event 6

    The wolf ate the pig after that and left.
  • Event 7

    He went to the next pigs' house that was made of sticks.
  • Event 8

    He knocked on the door and asked if anyone was in but nobpdy was door and asked if anyone was in but nobody was.
  • Event 9

    The wolf huffed and snuffed and blew the poor stick house down.
  • Event 10

    Then he ate the pig.
  • Event 11

    The wolf went to the pigs house that was made of bricks and knocked. This time someone answered.
  • Event 12

    The wolf sneezed again but didn't blow the house down because it was bricks. Then the cops threw him in the slammer for eating the pigs. And that's the real story.