Jan 1, 1000
The Apple Of Discord
Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of discord, to their marriage and the outraged goddess stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a golden apple onto the table. -
Jan 1, 1002
The Marriage Between Peleus And Tethis
peleus and tethis did not invite eris the godess of discord and she was upset about it. -
Greek Armament
Odysseus pretended to be insane but this trick was uncovered by Palamedes. Achilles, though not one of the previous suitors, was sought after because the seer Calchas had stated that Troy would not be taken unless Achilles would fight. -
The Greek Fleet
they were fleeting the city but before they set sail they had to sacrifice a girl. -
The Stolen Treasure
they had stolen treasure and then they were told to return t back from were they got it. -
Finding Troy
Finding Troy proved difficult, however, and the Greek fleet at first landed in Mysia. According to Herodotus, the Greeks were under the impression that Helen had been taken by the Teuthranians (Teucrians), and though the Teuthranians denied such allegations, the Greeks layed siege to the city (Herodotus, Bk. II.118). -
Embassy Of Priam
Odysseus, known for his eloquence, and Menelaus were sent as ambassadors to Priam -
The Trojan Horse
the made a horse so that they could try to sneak into troy -
The War
As well as destroying Trojan economy, these battles let the Greeks gather a large amount of resources and other spoils of war, including women (e.g., Briseis, Tecmessa and Chryseis). -
The End Of The War
at the end of the war troy was burned down with flames and many people had been killed