
The Trojan War by Aleeah Sablan

  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis

    Zeus intervenes in the life of Peleus and arranges the wedding of Peleus to Thetis, the lovely sea goddess.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000

    The Trojan War Timeline

  • Jan 2, 1000

    Judgement of Paris

    One of the events that led up to the Trojan War and to the foundation of Rome.
  • Jan 3, 1000

    Paris goes to visit King Menelaus of Sparta

    If declared the most beautiful goddess, Aphrodite promised to give Paris the most beautiful woman in the world—Helen. Aphrodite won the contest.
  • Jan 4, 1000

    Paris steals Helen

    Paris went to Sparta and took Helen away with him to Troy.
  • Jan 5, 1000

    Menelaus finds that Helen is gone

    Agamemnon raised an army of Greek warriors to retrieve Helen.
  • Jan 6, 1000

    Odysseus and Achilles Avoid the Army

    Odysseus and Achilles were strong Greek warriors and helped Agamemnon to defeat Troy. Achilles killed the Trojan hero Hector. Odyssey invented the famous Trojan horse.
  • Jan 7, 1000

    Trojan War Begins

    Against the city of Troy by the Achaeans after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta.
  • Jan 8, 1000

    Fight over Chryseis

    Agamemnon enslaves Chryseis and makes her a war prize.
  • Jan 9, 1000

    Chryseis's Father Prays to Apollo

    Apollo sends a plague sweeping through the Greek armies.
  • Jan 10, 1000

    Agamemnon steals Achilles maiden as revenge

    Achilles convinces Agamemnon to return Chryseis to her father, but Agamemnon demands Achilles’ maiden Briseis in return which angers Achilles
  • Jan 11, 1000

    God begins to take sides

    Thetis, also upset, tries to convince Zeus to take sides against the Greeks.
  • Jan 12, 1000

    Menelaus battles Paris for revenge

    Menelaus fights against Paris to determine whether Helen should return to Greece
  • Jan 13, 1000

    Ares fights with The Trojans

    Diomedes injures Aeneas, Aphrodite, and Ares with Athena’s help
  • Jan 14, 1000

    The Trojan Hector begins to Destroy the Greeks

  • Jan 15, 1000

    Patroclus, Achilles' friend, is killed by Hector

    Patroclus is slain by Hector who mistakes him for Achilles
  • Jan 15, 1000

    Achilles fights again to Avenge Patroclus

    Achilles kills Hector and refuses to return his body to Priam
  • Jan 15, 1000

    Achilles drives the Trojans back into Troy

  • Jan 16, 1000

    The Trojan Horse

    Odysseus comes up with the idea for the Trojan Horse
  • Jan 17, 1000

    The Trojans bring the horse into the city

    The Greek leaders hide inside the horse while the rest of the army pretends like it is leaving
  • Jan 18, 1000

    The Greeks come out of the horse at night

    At night the Greeks surprise the Trojans while they sleep and massacre them
  • Jan 19, 1000

    The Greek Army Destroys Troy