Small easter island

the Trojan war ''Jesus Reyes''

  • Mar 16, 1300

    trojan war begins ,13 century BCE

    trojan war begins ,13 century BCE
    The war was between the Tojans and the Greeks.
  • Apr 16, 1300

    greeks ready for war

    greeks ready for war
    The Greeks were going to be lead by King Agamemnon. The Trojans were lead by their king Priam.
  • May 17, 1300

    trojans battling the greeks

    trojans battling the greeks
    men on foot using spears,sword,helmets,with a sheild fighting off eachother
  • Jun 17, 1300

    menelaos vs paris

    menelaos vs paris
    menelaos offers to fight paris to settle their issues. paris agrees
  • Jul 17, 1300

    Ajax vs Hektor

    Ajax vs Hektor
    both opf them taunting eachother by throwing rocks and bending their sheilds ,they both drew swords but then stopped by the others who called an end to the fighting.
  • Aug 17, 1300

    greek campsite attacked by trojans

    greek campsite attacked by trojans
    the trojans attack the greeks campsite but while zues was distracted poseidon helped the greeks fight off the trojans but hektor fough back and scared them back to their ships
  • Sep 17, 1300

    The death of patroklos

    The death of patroklos
    Patrokolos led the greeks to fight back the trojans but after the greeks killed the hero of the trojans sarpedon apollo on behalf of the trojans struck the helmet and managed to knock his sheild out the of hand patroklos andand all defenceless stabed him and dead momments later
  • Oct 17, 1300

    new armour of Achilles

    new armour of Achilles
    Using bronze, tin, silver, and gold, the made a big shield. Also, made a gold helmet.the trojans after seein the rage that achilles had for the death of patroklos
  • Nov 17, 1300

    Achilles vs Hektor

    Achilles vs Hektor
    Achilles with rage chases Hektor outside of the city walls of troy and ends up catching Hektor and Achilles with all his anger stabs Hektor in the neck
  • Dec 20, 1300

    Trojan Victory and horse

    Trojan Victory and horse
    odysseus ordered the men to build a large wooden horse the inside was empty for the soldiers could hide in there, after the battle was ove the greeks were letout of the horse and slaughtered the trojans