Titanic cover

The Titanic

  • Construction Begins

    Construction Begins
    The construction of the Titanic started with the backbone in Ireland.
  • Sails for the First Time

    Sails for the First Time
    the Titanic left the docks for sea trials which tested speed, turning, and emergency stops. Afterwards, it headed to Southampton, England.
  • Period: to

    Titanic Loaded with Supplies and Crew is Hired

  • Titanic Begins it's Journey to New York

    Titanic Begins it's Journey to New York
    the Titanic leaves Queenstown, Ireland at 1:30 PM.
  • Period: to

    Normal Days On the Ship

    The passengers enjoyed their luxurious life on the Titanic.
  • 9:40 pm

    9:40 pm
    The last of the iceberg warnings were sent, but sadly they never were forwarded to the Wireless Room.
  • 11:40 pm

    11:40 pm
    Lookouts spot an iceberg directly in the path of the Titanic and instructed the Captain the turn left, but the right side was still scraped by the iceberg.
  • 12:45 am

    12:45 am
    The first life boat is lowered into the freezing water filled with woman and children.
  • 2:18 pm

    2:18 pm
    The Titanic snaps in half.
  • The Titanic Sinks at 2:20 am

    The Titanic Sinks at 2:20 am