The Timeline of Israel

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    1. Settled in

    Israel was settled in by the Hebrew People 3,000 years ago. The Jewish Diaspora in Century BCE (586) began in the 6th Century.
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    2. Destruction

    The first handmade Jewish Temple was destroyed. In 63 BCE Judaea became apart of Rome. In 66 CE the Jews began to riot against Rome.
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    3. Rioting

    In 70 CE he Jewish temple was destroyed for a second time by Rome.
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    4. Rebellion

    In 132 the Jews rebelled against the Emperor Hadrian. The Jews were defeated and weren’t allowed to live in Judea amymore.
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    5. Re-named

    Judea was renamed Syria-Palestinia. The Jews scattered all over the world anywhere, but Judea.
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    6. History

    In the 600s, thIs area called Palestine was taken over by the Muslims. Their decedents remain’s in the area of Palestine.
  • 7. Restore

    In the 1890s, Theodore Herzl began trying to restore Israel to the Jewish people.
  • 8. Britain

    World War I Britain took control of Israel.
    After World War II, Jews began to move to Israel in large numbers
    The British tried to stop the immigration but were not successful.
  • 9. United Nations

    In 1947, the United Nations decided to divide the area into Palestine and Israel.
    1/2 Arab
    1/2 Jewish
  • 10. Neighboring

    In 1948, neighboring Arabic countries, angry about the division attacked Israel.
  • 11. Arabs

    The Arabs lost in 1956, 1967, & 1973
    Israel claimed large amounts of territory in the Middle East, all the way to Egypt.
  • 12. Territory

    In 1979, Israel returned most of the territory and signed a peace treaty with Egypt.
    In 1987, Arabs in Israel declared the West Bank and Gaza to be a Palestinian country.
  • 13. Recognize

    Israel refused to recognize the claim until 1994.
    In 2005, Israel gave up all claim to the Gaza Strip
  • 14. West Bank

    However, some Israelis refuse to respect Palestine territory in the West Bank and settle in it.
  • 15. Violence

    Some Palestinians want all Jews gone, Violence continues.