
The Texas Revolution

  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The Battle Of Gonzales was the first military engagement of the Revolution of Texas. It was fought near the town of Gonzales. Tha Mexican government had given the small town a small cannon to protect themselves from attacks. Then the Mexican troops wanted it back, but the people refused. A smal fight broke up and the Mexican troops retreated to Bexar.
  • March of the Mexican Army

    March of the Mexican Army
    After the small victory of the Battle of Gonzales, the Mexican troops marched to Bexar to help the Mexican troops.
  • Consultation of 1835

    Consultation of 1835
    The Consultation of 1835 was a meeting with various representatives from Texan districts. They gathered to discuss the rising problems they were having with the Mexican government. There were two sides the pro-war, wich wanted liberty from Mexico, and the anti-war which wanted the Mexican government to follow the Constitution of 1824 and keep peace with them.
  • Declaration of 1835

    Declaration of 1835
  • Texans Attack of San Antonio

    Texans Attack of San Antonio
    The Texan army attaked early in the morning and bombarded the town. The Mexican army also attacked, but had no chance with the Texans.
  • Surrender of Mexican forces

    Surrender of Mexican forces
    At half past six o'clock, General Cos sent in a flag of truce, expressing a wish to capitulate. The Texan army took all of the Mexican army's weapons and supplies. Then the Mexican army left San Antonio.
  • Siege of the Alamo

    Siege of the Alamo
    As Santa Annas Army, eventually swelling to 2,500, arrived in Béxar to enforce government policy. When Santa Anna sent a courier demanding the Alamo’s surrender, Travis replied with cannon fire. “Victory or Death!”
  • Constitution of 1836

    Constitution of 1836
    Fifty-four delegates of the Convention of 1836 began meeting on March 1 at the village of Washington-on-the-Brazos. They prepared a Constitution for their newly formed republic. One day later, overnight, they wrote The Declaration of Independence.
  • Texas Declaration of Independence

    Texas Declaration of Independence
    Texas declared its independence from Mexico. The Alamo in San Antonio was under seige by Santa Anna's army of Mexico. They were tired of the Mexican government ruining their lives.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Tennessee congressman David Crockett, entrepreneur-adventurer James Bowie, were all in the Alamo Battle. Although not famous at the time, William Barret Travis achieved to keep the fort up and alive, as commander at the Alamo. For many Americans and most Texans, the battle has become a symbol of patriotic sacrifice.
  • Battle of Refugio/Coleto (Goliad Massacre)

    Battle of Refugio/Coleto (Goliad Massacre)
    After the Texans lost Santa Anna got mad because the prisoners were not excecuted at the moment. On the 27th of March, Santa Anna's prisoners were divided into three groups, marched onto open prairie, and shot.
  • Runaway Scrape

    Runaway Scrape
    The Runaway Scrape is the period in early 1836 generally beginning with the Siege and Fall of the Alamo and ending with the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21. It was a period of terror and panic among the settlements of Texas, as Santa Anna and the Mexican armies swept eastward from San Antonio. During the runaway, the colonists gathered a few personal possessions, abandoned their homes, and headed eastward under most difficult conditions.