The STRETCH Classroom

  • Period: to

    Overall Innovation Timeline

  • Google Survey - students START

    ADD survey link here
  • Google Survey - whānau START

  • Kanohi ki te kanohi interviews - students

  • Kanohi ki te kanohi interviews - whānau

  • Kahoot Quiz & Flipgrid

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Implementation of STRETCH classroom

  • Kahoot Quiz & Flipgrid

  • Kahoot Quiz & Flipgrid

  • Period: to


  • Kahoot Quiz & Flipgrid

  • Kahoot Quiz & Flipgrid

  • Period: to


  • Kahoot Quiz & Flipgrid

  • Google Survey - students FINAL

  • Google Survey - whānau FINAL

  • Kanohi ki te kanohi interviews - students FINAL

  • Kanohi ki te kanohi interviews - whānau FINAL

  • Period: to

    Analysis of data and outcomes