Jan 1, 1100
The crusades changed the world because it was over the holy land. It was important to the mulsums because it was where they thought muhamid assended to heaven. -
Jan 1, 1340
black death
black death killed 1/3 of the european pouplation.over 25 million people were killed in 5 years. because they thought god was takeing them an punishing them. -
Jan 1, 1492
voyage of columbus
he saild three ships nina santa maria pinta.his kind and queen gave him money. made 4 trips. he thought he could sail west to east to india. -
Jan 1, 1505
Marthin Luther becomes a monk
He is in a storm and tells god if i live i will become a monk. he made a relgion called lutheranism. -
Jan 1, 1514
ponce de leon
explore modern day vs look for foundain of youth but was never found. found the foundain of youth -
Jan 1, 1517
poster 95 theses
he protested the reformation of the church and questicned the church. He put it onthe door an refused to take it down. -
Jan 1, 1520
Martin luther is excommunicated
He denied to take the 95 theses off the door and got kiked out. It was because he burnded the godless book in the flame of hell. -
Jan 1, 1524
vasco de gama
they wanted indias spices. 1st european to sail from europe to india. -
Jan 1, 1533
hernando de sota explores mississippi river
620 men and 220 horses was there. explored the south side of the us. -
Jan 1, 1540
coroado explores the grand canyon
southern us looking for 7 cities of ribula gold never found 1st european to see it. -
massachusetts bay
Money,fish whalting,bullding, lumber exported sold corn fish lumber -
connecticut establishment
farming was hard olny farmed enugh for families soild was food subsitence farming. money & fish
Growing wheat & corn. -
salem witch trails
saleam village proitan comneni began in home at revipams tithon telling stories to his brother. girls began acting crazy -
french & Indian
fight between france & england over the otlio river valley. G.w. accidentilly killed the ambassodor -
french victory
british owned french own it french renamed it ft,pitt