The first steam toy
The first steam toy is described by the hero of alexandria. This marked the beggining of the steam age. -
Savery's Steam Pump
Savery Patents the first steam pump. -
First Atmospheric Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen Creates the first atmoshperic steam engine. -
James Watts Improves the steam engine.
James watt applies a seperate condensor to make the steam engine more efficient. -
First Steam Car
The first steam powered wehicle was created by frenchman nicholas cugnot. It was used in the military to transport cannons. -
First Steam powered automobiles.
Created in 1801 the steam powered car was produced by Richard Trevithick. He improved the design by making it lighter. -
1804 the first steam locomotive is created.
The first steam locomotive powered by a 40 psi steam engine was invented. -
The First Steam Boat.
The first steam boat was created. Powered by a steam engine it allowed people to go from California to japan in 18 days.