The Start Of The Revolutions

  • The Start of The Haitian Revolution

    The Start of The Haitian Revolution
    The way the revolution started by brutal slave masters treated African slaves poorly which caused revolt. The social classes that participated was slaves. The leaders of the revolution Toussaint L'ooverture and Jean-Jacques Desanes.
  • The End Of The Haitian Revolution

    The End Of The Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian fought against the France. The revolution ended when the slaves were freed. The revolution was successful because they declared independence and they set up their own government.
  • The Start Of The Mexican Revolution

    The Start Of The Mexican Revolution
    The revolution started when the priest in the small village took the first step into independence. The social classes that participated were the Indians and the Mestizos. The leaders of the revolution is Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos
  • The Start Of The South American Revolution

    The Start Of The South American Revolution
    The revolution started when the creoles brought ideas to decide the future of the Latin American revolution movement. The social classes that participated were the creoles. The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose De San martin.
  • The End Of The Mexican Revolution

    The End Of The Mexican Revolution
    The Mexicans fought against Spain. The revolution ended when the priest made a rebelión against the Spanish. The revolution was successful because the Mexicans proclaimed independence.
  • The Start Of The Brazilian Revolution

    The Start Of The Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian war started in 1822. The social classes that had participated were the creoles and the porteguese. The two leaders that participated were Dom Pedro And Napoleon.
  • The End Of The Brazilian Revolution

    The End Of The Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilians faught against the Portugal. The revolution ended when Dom Pedro officially declared Brazil’s independence. The revolution was succesful because they had won their independence in a “bloddless” revolution.
  • The End Of the South American Revolution

    The End Of the South American Revolution
    The South fought against the Spain. The revolution ended when the South spanish states won their independence. The revolution was successful because Venezuela, Argentina, Peru and Colombia had won their independence.