The Spanish Civil War and Francisco Franco

  • The government of the left replaced many officers with those loyal to the Republic

    General Francisco Franco protested that such unfair practices offended the dignity of the army
  • Catalonia

    Since the proclamation of the republic on April 14th 1931, catalans have been longing for freedoms to be restored to Catalonia.
  • The start of revolts

    There was an abortive general rising against the government of the republic.
  • CNT

    The CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo) claimed over one million members
  • Foundation of CEDA

    Foundation of CEDA
    During the elections of November, Gil Robles founded CEDA (Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas).
  • Leadership of Manuel Azaña

    Leadership of Manuel Azaña
    The republic was governed by coalition of the left and moderate Republicans under the leadership of Manuel Azaña.
  • Falange Party

    Falange Party
    Founded by José Antonio son of Primo de Rivera, it became into the fascist party in Spain.
  • Fascism reaching out across europe

    From 1934 to 1936 the republic struggled to amid mounting tensions.
  • Socialists, communists and anarchists united

    The miners in Asturias, under the united leadership of socialists, communists and anarchists began a general strike.
  • The Popular Front

    The Popular Front
    The parties of the left, organised an effective electoral pact and presented themselves as the Popular Front.
  • Spain split

    Spain split
    Spain was split into two warring sides:
    -In the north, the Republicans held most of Asturias and the Basque region.
    -Western Spain, western Aragon, Old Castile, León, and the south - mainly the agricultural regions of Spain - fell into the hands of the Nationalists.
  • Start of Civil War

  • Franco was declared head of the Spanish state as well as of the government.

     Franco was declared head of the Spanish state as well as of the government.
  • Military coup

    Army conspirators carry out a military coup, 'planned' since the previous April, to take over Spain.
  • Defeat of the Royalist Parties

    Royalist parties were heavily defeated in local elections suddenly the king understood his own isolation, he went unresisting into exile the king.
  • Jose Calvo Sotelo

    Jose Calvo Sotelo
    Jose Calvo Sotelo the opposition leader proclaimed himself in favor of a strong integrated state which would end strikes lockouts starvation wages.
  • Funerals of Castillo and Calvo took place

    Funerals of Castillo and Calvo took place
  • Franco left the Canary Islands to take charge of the army in Africa.

  • Morocco, the republican government, knew that Spain was close to explosion

  • The Republican army vs the Nationalists

    The Republican army vs the Nationalists
    Franco's counter-offensive recovered all the lost territory and went on to split the Republic in half, separating Barcelona and Catalonia from central and southern Spain.
  • The Nationalists finally overcame Basque resistance in the north.

    The Nationalists finally overcame Basque resistance in the north.
  • End of Civil War

  • Madrid finally capitulated Franco's army