
The Seventies Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Super Bowl

    Super Bowl
    Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Minnesota Vikings
  • Palestainian Group Hijacks five plans

    Palestainian Group Hijacks five plans
    First hijacking of four. On the first day of the hijaking, the group set up two bombs to go off in two different planes. while one plane landed succsesfully after the bomb went off the other crashed killing 47 people.
  • Beatles Break Up

    Beatles Break Up
    The beatles broke up for multiple reasons, their aritic vision started differeing from each other. After their mananger died they all got involved in financial and legal conflicts. After a few band members had left and came back, they had decided that they weren't gonna countine making music together.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Apollo 13 was controlled by James A. Lovell, John L. "Jack" Swigert, and Fred W. Haise. The Apollo 13 mission started with a smaller incident were one of the engines did not turn on. The captain was told to turn on the hydrogen and oxygen tanks which resulted in a fire.
  • Second hijack of the Palestinian hijack

    Second hijack of the Palestinian hijack
    This was the second event of the hijacking. Six members of the Palestinian group hijacked an Olympic Airways flight. This was called one of the most dramatic hijackings yet.
  • Third and final event of hijakings

    Third and final event of hijakings
    This was the final hijacking. In this hijacking the group trys to hijack three planes and divert them to "Revolution Airport". They had 300 hostages.
  • Cigarette ads are banned on T.V

    Cigarette ads are banned on T.V
    Cigarettes being banned from t.v. was part of the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act. They decided to ban cigarette ads from t.v. becuase researched had shown that smoking was related to lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. The law actually did not come into force until Janurary 2, 1971.
  • Disney World opens

    Disney World opens
    Walt Disney created Disney World to go along with the amazing Disneyland. Walt Disney unfortanetly died right before Disney World opened; he died in 1966. Walt Disney had established that he was going to build Disney World in Orlando, Florida many years before he started planing/ building.
  • London Bridge was completed in the U.S

    London Bridge was completed in the U.S
    In 1967 the London Bridge was dismantleed in London england and was bought by Robert P. McCulloch and was completed in 1971 in Lake Havasu, Arizona
  • First succesful video game (Pong)

    First succesful video game (Pong)
    Photo Information The first succesful video game ,"Pong", was relaesed in 1972 and revolutionized the video game industry. This game stimulates table tennis.
  • Terrorist attack at the Olympics in Munich

    Terrorist attack at the Olympics in Munich
    This attack was in Munich , Bavaria; West Germany. This attack was catogorized as mass murder, massacare, and a hostage- taking. The group who attacked was a Palestinian group called Black September. After the disater had started Black September had demanded that 243 prisoners were released from jail. To save the hostages 5 out of the 8 group members were killed
  • Abortion in The United States

    InformationAbortion being leagalized in the United States was mainly based on a Supreme Court Desicion in Roe v. Wade. Before the case abortion was illegal in 30 states but legal under certain cases in 20 states. The case cliamed that the law was unconstitional. Roe claimed that abortion was part of right of privacy. This case led to the leagalization of Abortion in the United States.
  • John Paul Getty the second Kidnapped

    John Paul Getty the second Kidnapped
    On July 10th,1973 Paul Getty was kidnapped from a pizza place in Rome. A ransom note was recieved demanding $17 million. A few days later an evenlop arrived containing a lock of hair and a human ear. Paul Getty was blindfolded and imprisoned in a moutain hideout. Paul Getty was found alive on December 15, 1973 shortly after the ranson was paid. Information:
  • U.S Vice President resigns

    U.S Vice President resigns
    Spiro Agnew was the 39th vice president and the only vice president to resign. During his fifth year as vice president, Spiro Agnew was under investigation for charges of extortion, tax fraud, bribery, and conspiracy by the United States Attorney's office in Baltimore Maryland. On October 10th, 1973, he was allowed to plead no contest with the consequence that he resign from being vice president of the United States of America. Information and Picture: