Physical therapy history

The Roots and History of Physical Therapy

  • Founder of Physical Therapy

    Physical therapy was founded by a Swedish man, by the name of Per Henrik Ling, in 1813. This was when he also founded "The Royal Center Institute of Gymnastics. Physical Therapy derived from the term "Sick Gymnast" or "sjukgymnast" in Swedish.
  • PTs become registered!

    PT (Physical Therapists) were given official registration in Sweden, by the national board.
  • Physical Therapy Spreads

    With the exponential growth of PT in Sweden, it has begun to grow in other countries. England opens its "Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, thanks to 4 nurses.
  • PT Comes to the US

    In, 1916, when Polio broke out, the need for PT grew exponentially in the US. But wasn't till a year later, during WWI that it became institutionalized and women would be recruited to practice PT on injured soldiers.
  • Reconstruction Aide

    Walter Reed Army Hospital became the first to teach PT in Washington D.C. and PTs became know as Reconstruction Aide.
  • PT Research

    PT had its first research conducted and published, in what was called the "PT Review".
  • APTA

    The American Physical Therapy Association is established.
  • A First

    The first national examination took place.
  • Orthopaedics

    The US began working on specialization techniques and programs. In which, orthopaedics became a part of APTA.