the road to revolution

  • stamp act

    stamp act
    This was an act passed that put taxes on all legal documents. It required that all legal documents have a tax on it. This Angered the colonists because it was only in the colonies. It is known as an internal tax.
    Citation for the picture
  • townshend act

    townshend act
    This act was ordered by Charles Townshend. They were a series of external taxes. Unlike the stamp act. He hoped it wouldn't anger the colonies because it was external. this act taxed things that were imported from britain like paper, paint, lead, tea, and glass. This was important on the road to revolution because the colonies felt they were being taxed unfairly. More specific without representation in parliament.
  • tea act

    tea act
    This was a british order that allowed the east india company to import their tea straight to the colonies without duties. This caused the prices of tea to decrease so much that it was cheaper than smuggled tea from the dutch. This was not to anger the colonies but more so keep the east india company from going bankrupt. This is important to the road to revolution because colonies thought it went against their freedoms.
  • coercive acts

    coercive acts
    To punish the colonies for the destruction of tea, british enforced the coercive acts. These acts shut down Boston Harbor, placed the colonial government under the direct control of crown officials, allowed the royal governor to unilaterally move any trial of a crown officer out of Massachusetts, and forced them to house soldiers. This is important because it took any independence away from the colonies
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    A group of representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies met from 09/05/1774 to 10/26/1774. In this meeting they discussed how to react to the intolerable acts. They came up with a full boycott of british goods and a declaration of resolves. This is important on the road to revolution because the colonies pretty much established a governing network. This was the start of the fight for independence. citation