the road to revolution.

  • Navigation Acts.

    The Navigation acts while enriching Britain caused resentment in the colonies and were a major contributing factor to the American revolution.
  • Proclamation.

    the proclamation was intended to prevent another war just like the french and the Indians. and so the proclamation is what was contributed to the American revolution.
  • The Sugar Act.

    the sugar act was the first tax on American colonies Imposed by the British parliament. Their purpose was to raise revenue through the colonial customs service and give customs agents more power. but that's how the sugar contributed.
  • The Stamp Act.

    the stamp act, however, taxed the colonist which was used to contribute to the American revolution but. also the colorist greeted the arrival of the stamps with violence and economic retaliation.
  • The Townshend Act.

    the Townshend acts would use the revenue raised by the duties to pay the salaries of colonial governors and judges. ensures loyalty but the policies prompt colorist to take an action by boycotting British goods.
  • Committees of correspond.

    American revolution, committees of correspondence were formed in cities and regions throughout the American colonies. the committees of correspondence railed colonial up against britsh.
  • Battle of bunker hill.

    the battle of bunker hill had the battle tactical victory. for the British but it proved to be a short sobering experience, involving more than twice the casualties then America had incurred.