The Road to Revolution

  • Treaty of Paris

    The end of the French and Indian War
  • Period: to

    Pontiac's Rebellion

    The Native American's didn't like the British Rule so they had a rebellion and it was led by O hawan leader called Pontiac. It took about 3 years to end the war.
  • Proclamation

    The British Parliament said that no one could settle on the west side of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Sugar Act

    There was already a sugar act called madasses tax. The sugar act was taxing sugar coffee and wine
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp taxes all legal documents like newspapers pamphlets, playing cards and all other printed materials
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act is like the third Amendment. When there is a time of peace, the soldiers can go to the colonists houses and have quarters, bedding, food, beer, cider and rum. The soldiers would be drunk and it would save money but the colonist are mad because they are eating their food
  • Virginia Resolves

    The Virginia Resolves didn’t allow the Parliament’s right to tax the colonies under the Stamp Act.
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    Stamp Act Congress

    That the congress sent letters to the government talking about the taxing. The meeting inspired a number of protests, they refused to pay taxes. Nine colonial delegations agreed that there is no taxation without representation.
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    They started boycott the British goods and the parliament repeal the Stamp Act.
  • Navigation act

    If the colonists want to trade to another country it needs to be on a british ship and the Colonist needed to pay taxes
  • Declaratory Act

    The law passed by the British government claiming the right to tax colonies.
  • Period: to

    Townshend Act

    It took so long because it wasn't just one act it was many acts. It taxes lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea. The Daughters of Liberty boycotted imports, so the daughters of Liberty made their own clothes "homespun" and it was itchy because it wasn't the best.
  • Boston Massacre

    5 colonists died and it was called a massacre, and the soldiers killed them. It was 50 colonists against a small group of soldiers.
  • The tea act

    The tea act allowed the British east India company to import tea without paying taxes.
  • Boston Port Act

    It didn't allow ship going in or out the Boston port.
  • Quebec Act

    It gave the Ohio River valley to the Quebecois that are basically French Canadians.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    It destroyed colonial assemblies and prevented the colonist from having a voice in the Parliament government.
  • administration of justice act

    It didn't allow the colonists to bring the soldiers to court, it would just send the soldiers to England to court.