Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Plaintiff: families of children with disabilities who were denied education. ALL children could benefit from free education/training.
Defendant: State of Pennsylvania.Denied those with intellectual disabilities access to government funded education.Claim was that those not at least "mentally aged 5" would be too burdensome to educate.
Ruling: After evidence review it was settled that regardless of disabilities the state should provide free equal education to all
https://tinyurl.com/rk426sv -
Mills v.BOE of D.C.
Plaintiff: class action cases brought on on behalf of seven children denied or excluded from educational services due to behavior or mentally handicapped
Defendant: District of Columbia. Over 18000 cases of denied education after claiming it would take millions to create adequate school conditions.
Ruling: All students (including mental handicapped/disability) entitled to free and appropriate public education regardless of cost
https://tinyurl.com/ttdv2nn -
Honig v Doe
Plaintiff:2 emotionally disturbed students claiming the district violated the Education for All Handicapped Children Act by indefinitely removing them from schools due to behavior influenced by their disability
Defendant: District claims it did not violate EAHC due to "dangerousness exception"
Ruling:Those whose poor behavior is directly related to their disability cannot be denied education and the state must provide services to these students if the district cannot.