Mar 6, 610
Muhammad founds Islamic Faith
Muhammad believes that he is a prophet of God. He was visited by the Angel Jibrel (Gabriel). The messages that Muhammed recieved from God are written in the Qu'ran. -
Jun 1, 622
Muhammad leaves for Medina
Muhammad's messages are not well recieved in Mecca. So he travels to Medina. The journey is known as the Hijrah or migration. The event is seen to be significant because this is the year the Islamic calendar begins. -
Mar 16, 632
Death of Muhammad
Muhammad gains popularity is able to return and conquer Mecca before his death. He was seen as the last prophet of Allah by his followers. -
Mar 16, 642
Islamic Empire expands
Muslim Armies take the Fertile Cresent (Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, and the Palestine), the North African coast, and Byzantine empires. -
Mar 16, 650
Qu'ran is written
The Qu'ran is written down, The Quran is the messages given to Muhammad from Allah. -
Oct 16, 732
Battle of Tours
The Umayyad dynasty attempts to invade France. They fail. Charles Martel is able to stop Muslim expansion into their country. -
Mar 16, 754
Baghdad becomes capital
The Assabid dynasty conquers the Umayyad dynasty and the capital of the Islamic Empire moves to Baghdad. -
Mar 16, 1055
Seljuk Turks take Baghdad
The Seljuk Turks believe that Muhammad conquered land that was rightfully theirs. -
Two sects develop
Muslim split into two sects. Shiites and Sunnis. Shiites believe that Ali, Muhammad's son blood line should control the caliphate. While Shittes believe that the caliphs were properly chosen and the Umayyad dynasty was correct. The majority of Muslims are Shiites.