Hitler greets hinden

The Rise of Hitler

  • Nazi Party Formed

    Nazi Party Formed
    The Nazi Party was originaly named "The German Worker's Party". Their popularity had increased throughout the year 1920, starting with barely hoping to get 100 members to a meeting to having 3,000 members. They wanted to change the name so that it would include the term "National Socialist". It was changed to Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Nazi for short.
    This was important to the rise of Hitler becuase this was the party that helped him to take control and ensure his power.
  • Hitler Becomes Leader of the Nazi Party

    Hitler Becomes Leader of the Nazi Party
    The party formed an alliance with a group of socialists to revolt against Hitler. He decided to resign from the party and they soon realized how much that would affect the Nazi Party (essentially ending it). Hitler used this opprotunity to come back, but only on the terms that he would have full Dictatorship over the party.
    The was an important part in the rise of Hitler because his power was being acknowledged and he gained power over the only party that could help him take over Germany.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    In the morning on November 9th, 3,000 Nazi's were lead by Hitler and marched down the streets, towards the centre of Munich. When they reached a police blockade hitler yelled at them to surrender and when they didn't, shots were fired. This event resulted in the crash of his political career and the Nazi Party.
    This was important to the rise of Hitler becase it must have drived him to want to suceed and helped him to learn from the mistake. Eventuallly this would help him to win over Germany.
  • A New Beginning

    A New Beginning
    He had managed to lift the ban of the Nazi's after promising good behavior, and that they would work within the rules of the democratic constitution. He then wrote a long editorial for the Völkischer Beobachter called "A New Beginning,"
    This was important to the riase of Hitler because it was when he finally devised a plan for him and his party to come into power, which would eventually work. He had now figured out how to control the people of Germany.
  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    The economy in Germany was very vulnerable due to having to pay for damages from the war. This crisis lead to no alliances between any political parties, and Heinrich Bruening was elected chancellor. Soon after an election was scheduled and the Nazi Party went into action.
    This was important to the rise of Hitler becuase it was the perfect opprotunity for a "Hero" to arise and help Germany out of the depression. The people needed someone, and he manipulated that need.
  • Germans Elect Nazi's

    Germans Elect Nazi's
    During the time of the depression, Germany was in a horrible state. Hitler used this opprotunity to put his speech making skills to use. He used his enthusiasm when the people really needed it, to sway them to his side. He gave them vague promises, without details. By the end, he won them over.
    This is important to the rise of Hitler because it put his plan into action. He would be able to gradually gain more and more power, using the Nazi's to force everything to go as planned, now "legally".
  • Suicide of Geli Raubal

    Suicide of Geli Raubal
    Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, was the on girl who he fell in love with. He was very controlling throughout their relationship and as the fighting, jelousy and security had drastically increased, she could no longer take it and took her own life.
    The was important to the rise of Hitler becuase it was something thsat caused him to fall into a severe depression and unhealthy habits of not eating and pacing for days. This was a setback in his plan, and probably also took a toll on his sanity.
  • The Republic Collapses

    The Republic Collapses
    As Germany's government had begun to fail, Hitler was brought in by Papen, with the offer of an equal-partner leadership to oust Schleicher. Hitler wanted to do this, but only on the terms that he would be the real leader, which was agreed on. Schleider eventually resigned. After a false rumour was leaked, Hindenburg decided to appoint Hitler.
    This is important to the rise of Hitler because it opened the gateway to his power. This started his plan to overthrow democracy, the way that he wanted.
  • Hitler Named Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Named Chancellor of Germany
    Alfred Hugenberg and Hitler argued over the demands for a new election by Hitler. After many fights and back-stabbing, Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. The nation already had little interest in democracy, and the people needed a hero figure to try and help them through their difficult time. They became convinced that Hitler was that man.
    This was important to the rise of Hitler becuase it gave him his first real power over the people who were not in the Nazi Party.
  • The Reichstag Burns

    The Reichstag Burns
    The Reichstag building was burned down. The blame was taken by a communist. He was ready to use any means necessary to gain his DIctatorship.
    This helped with Hitler's rise to power becuase it was the final step to becoming Dictator. He was able to use his new title as Chancellor to legally do these things, and keep the trust of the people. By the blame being taken by a communist, he was able to ban that party, and eventually get rid of every party other than the Nazi Party.
  • Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany

    Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany