
The Revolutions

  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    In January 1802, 30,000 French troops landed in Saint Domingue to remove Toussaint from power, but Jean- Jacques Dessalines decided to fight for freedom. On January 1, 1804, General Dessalines declared the colony an independent country.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (North,Simon Bolivar)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (North,Simon Bolivar)
    The South American wars of independence rested on the achievements of two brilliant creole general, which was Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martian. August 1819 Bolivar had gone into exile but he led 2,000 soldiers on a daring march through Andes into what is now Columbia. He took the Spanish army in Bogota by surprise and won a decisive victory.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martain)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martain)
    Spanish forces in nearby Chile and Peru still posed a threat. San Martin had join forces with O'Higgin's and with his help San Martin finally freed Chile. But in 1821 San Martin planned to drive remaining Spanish forces out of Lima, Peru but for him to complete this task he need to get a bigger force. And so he join forces with Bolivar and they discussed the problem when they met in Guayaquil. As they both had so many different views no one new how they were going to get along.
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    the most powerful European government opposed revolution But the causes of Greek independence was popular with the people around the world like Russia. An example would be like this: felt a connection to greek Orthodox Christians, who were ruled by the Muslim ottomans. which were educated Europeans and Americans love and respected ancient greek culture. Eventually the population of greek grew
  • Mexican War of Independence

    Mexican War of Independence
    In 1810, Padre Miguel Hidalgo a priest in a small village of Dolores, took the first step toward independence, he was firmly believed in Enlightenment ideals. And so on on September 16, 1810 he rang the bells and the peasants in the villages came around and listened to how he wanted a rebellion against the Spanish. The next day Hidalgo's Indian and mestizo fallows began a march toward Mexico City, the number became unruly army soon up to 80,000 men. The lower class informed the Spanish army.
  • Continue on the Mexican War of Independence

    Continue on the Mexican War of Independence
    The Mexican feared to lose control of there land, property, and their lives, and so they went to war and they won against Hidalgo in 1811 They soon rebelled against him and asked for a stronger leader which was Jose Maria Morelos. He declared independence from Spain. Miguel's Indian and mestizo followers began a march toward Mexico city and destroyed the Spanish property and their lives. He created a war known as Grito de Dolores. He rang the bells of his village church when the peasant gather.
  • Brazilian Independence

    Brazilian Independence
    Brazil's quest for independence was unique in this period of Latin American history because it occurred without violent upheavals or widespread bloodshed The Portuguese royal family had played a big role in freeing Brazil. For 14 years
  • Romanticism

    This Movement reflected deep interest both in nature and in the thoughts and feelings of the individual. In many ways, Romantic thinkers/writers reacted against the ideas of the enlightenment.The idea of Romanticism is emotion, sometimes emotion was a key element of romanticism.However, romanticism went beyond feelings.Romantics expressed a wide range of ideas and attitudes.In general, romantic thinkers and artists focused on the mysterious, the supernatural, and the exotic, or grotesque etc:
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    Charles Albert became king of Piedmont-Sardinia, he showed himself to be a cautious reformer but one who didn't really want a huge change. His principle aim was to strengthen and expand his kingdom. So although he reformed the legal system and decided to join the customs union with Tuscany and the Papal states, he stopped short of more extensive changes until 1847.
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    Prussia has been on adventures which have led to them to help a strong german state. which is first of unlike the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Prussia had a mainly german population.The result of this has caused the nationalism actually unified Prussia. In control of the groups in Prussia is ethnic, they are in Austria-Hungary tore the empire apart.The story they helped and it did not seem to them.They tore the empire apart after they finished helping, So berlin rioters was forced a constitution