The Restoration and Romantic Ages

  • Charles II became King and the monarchy was restored

    Charles II became King and the monarchy was restored
    • Devoted to pleasure;
    • Patronised the ‘Royal Society’;
    • ‘Corporation Act’ (excluded Catholics from public offices).
  • The Great Plague

    The Great Plague
  • The Great Fire

    The Great Fire
    • Raged for five days;
    • Destroyed nine-tenths of medieval buildings.
  • James II became King

    James II became King
    • Placed Catholics in positions of power.
  • The joint Monarchs : William of Orange and Mary

    The joint Monarchs : William of Orange and Mary
    • ‘Glorious Revolution’ (monarch chosen by Parliament and not by divine right);
    • ‘Toleration Act’;
    • ‘Bill of Rights’ (equal power);
    • ‘Act of Settlement’ (excluded Catholics from the throne).
  • Anne became Queen

    Anne became Queen
    • ‘Act of Union’ (England and Scotland were unified);
    • Treaty of Utrecht (French recognised Protestant succession).
  • George I became King

    George I became King
    • Spent most of his reign in Hanover;
    • Relied a lot upon Cabinet.
  • Sir Robert Walpole became Prime Minister

    Sir Robert Walpole became Prime Minister
    • Promoted trade;
    • Reduced land taxes;
    • House in Downing Street;
    • Coffee Houses became popular;
  • George II became King

    George II became King
    • Spanish pirates damaged London’s ocean trade;
    • ‘The war of The Austrian Succession’;
    • Jacobite rebellion by Charles Stuart’s grandson.
  • William Pitt became prime minister

    William Pitt became prime minister
    • Mercantilistic policy;
    • ‘7 Years War’ (first world war).
  • George III became King

    George III became King
    • New duties on corn, paper and tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    • Threw tea in the harbour;
    • Against British taxes.
  • Period: to

    War of Independence

    • Loyalist vs Patriots;
    • George Washington;
    • Declaration of Independence by Jefferson (4th of July);
    • Battle of Yorktown;
    • Treaty of Versailles.
  • William Pitt the Younger became Prime Minister

    William Pitt the Younger became Prime Minister
    • 18 years in office;
    • Simplified financial system.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    • Industrialised nation;
    • Enclosures;
    • Agriculture intensified;
    • Cotton leading sector;
    • Spinning Jenny;
    • Steam engine;
    • Loom;
    • Workers life.
  • George IV became King

    George IV became King
    • Legalised trade unions;
    • Metropolitan Police.
  • William IV became King

    William IV became King
    • ‘Great Reform Act’ (vote to almost all male members of the middle class);
    • Slavery abolished in West Indies;
    • Factory employment limited for children under 9 years old.