Jan 1, 1438
Gutenburg Invents Printing Press
Gutenburg was a goldsmith and a famous inventor known for the Gutenburg Press. He began two business arrangements with Andreas Dritzehn and Johannes Fust. Gutenburg made a successful and famous bible called Gutenbug Bible. -
Jan 1, 1478
Lorenzo de Medici Becomes the Head of Florence
Lorenzo de Medici is probably the most well- known member of the Medici family. Lorenzo is viewed as one of the great patrons of the Renaissance, under who the arts flourished in a golden age. This view has since been rejected by modern writers, on the grounds to accept it as a myth created by the Medici's themselves. He ruled with his brother, Giuliano, from 1469- 1478. After his brother died (1453- 1478), he ruled alone from 1478- 1492. -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus discovers America
Columbus led his three ships the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492. This deception had only a temporary effect. Columbus headed off disaster by promising his crew that if land was not sighted in two days, they would return home. The next day land was discovered. -
Jan 1, 1496
DaVinci paints The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci effected a breakthrough with his Last Supper. Not only is Judas fully included in the group, but the figures are engaged in lively interaction.Da Vinci's fresco inspired numerous Renaissance artists and Baroque painters. Despite many restorations, the most recent in 1999, the work is in bad condition, due to the technique used on the wall, which has insufficient sticking power. -
Jan 1, 1504
Michelangelo starts The David
While Michelangelo was in Rome sculpting the Pietá for St. Peter’s Cathedral, a Florentine master named Simone da Fiesole badly botched a job on a giant piece of marble that had been destined for the roof of the Florence Cathedral. Michelangelo worked on the statue in relative secrecy for three years. -
Jan 1, 1508
Michelangelo starts the Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo's artistic talent revealed itself early in his life. His precious drawings would occasionally elicit beatings from his father who wished to persuade the youth to follow a more honorable profession than an artist. Fortunately, Michelangelo's stubborn refusal to abandon his talent persuaded his father to apprentice him to a Florentine artist at age fourteen. Mankind was awarded a creative talent whose genius was recognized not only in his own time, but in the generations to follow. -
Jun 24, 1509
Henry VII becomes King of England (House of Tudor)
Henry was named after his father, Henry VIII. Since he was the second son, he didn't expect to become the king. We know a little of his childhood until his brother, Arthur, died. Arthur and Catherin of Aragon (his wife) got married. Four months after the wedding, his brother died. He took Catherine as his wife and he became king. -
Dec 31, 1509
Henry VIII becomes King of England
Following the death of his father, he became Henry VIII, king of England. He married six times, beheaded two of his wives and was the main instigator of the English Reformation. His only surviving son, Edward VI, succeeded him fter is death on January 28, 1547. -
Jan 1, 1517
Martin Luther posts 95 Theses
Martin Luther went on to become one of Western history’s most significant figures. Luther spent his early years in relative anonymity as a monk and scholar. But in 1517 Luther penned a document attacking the Catholic Church's corrupt practice of selling "indulgences" to absolve sins. -
Shakespeare builds The Globe Theater
The Globe Theatre also known as the Shakespeare Globe Theatre was not only one of most famous playhouse’s of all time, but the play house where Shakespeare performed many of his greatest plays. Built from oak, deal, and stolen playhouse frames, the 3 storey, 3000 capacity Globe Theatre, owned by William Shakespeare has become almost as famous as the playwright himself.