The Renaissance

  • Period: Jan 1, 1395 to Dec 31, 1468

    Gutenberg invents Printing Press

    Gutenberg was a German inventor who invented the Printing Press. This was an advanced contraption for his time. He used his Printing Press to create one of the first major printed books, the "Forty-Two-Line" Bible.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1469 to Dec 31, 1478

    Lorenzo de Medici becomes the head of Florence

    Lorenzo de’ Medici, byname Lorenzo the Magnificent, Italian Lorenzo il Magnifico (born January 1, 1449, Florence [Italy]—died April 9, 1492, Careggi, near Florence), Florentine statesman, ruler, and patron of arts and letters, the most brilliant of the Medici. He ruled Florence with his younger brother, Giuliano (1453–78), from 1469 to 1478 and, after the latter’s assassination, was sole ruler from 1478 to 1492
  • Period: Aug 22, 1485 to Apr 21, 1509

    Henry VII becomes King of England

    The death of Edward IV (1483) and accession of Richard III, left Henry the natural leader of the party opposing Richard, whose rule was very unpopular. Henry made an unsuccessful attempt to land in England during the abortive revolt (1483) of Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham. Thereafter he bided his time in France until 1485 when, aided by other English refugees, he landed in Wales.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus led his three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - out of the Spanish port of Palos.The vessels were hove to, waiting for daylight; and on Friday they arrived at a small island of the Lucayos, called, in the language of the Indians, Guanahani. Presently they saw naked people. The Admiral went on shore in the armed boat, and Martin Alonso Pinzon, and Vicente Yanez, his brother, who was captain of the Niña.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    DaVinci paints The Last Supper

    DaVinci paints The Last Supper
    LOCATION. In 1495, Leonardo Da Vinci began painting the Last Supper on the wall of the refectory (dining hall) of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy, and completed it in 1498. Leonardo was commissioned to execute the painting in the Dominican monastery of this Church by Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza.
  • Jan 1, 1504

    Michelangelo starts The David

    Michelangelo starts The David
    David is one of the most exquisite Renaissance sculptures made during the early 1500s. This famous work of art was created by Michelangelo, a famous Italian artist.The statue is a marble figure of the biblical hero named David. This young man was also the most common subject in Renaissance art, particularly in Florence.
  • Period: Apr 21, 1509 to Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII becomes King of England

    When Henry VII died in 1509, this popular eighteen-year-old prince, known for his love of hunting and dancing, became King Henry VIII. Soon after he obtained the papal dispensation required to allow him to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon.In the first years of his reign Henry VIII effectively relied on Thomas Wolsey to rule for him, and by 1515 Henry had elevated him to the highest role in government: Lord Chancellor
  • Jan 1, 1512

    Michelangelo starts the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo starts the Sistine Chapel
    Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling is one of the most influential artworks of all time and a foundational work of Renaissance Art. Painted directly on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, the masterpiece depicts key scenes from the Book of Genesis.The complex narratives and skillfully painted human figures stunned viewers when the painting was first unveiled to the public in 1512.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts 95 Theses

    Martin Luther posts 95 Theses
    On this day in 1517, the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation.
  • Period: to

    Shakespeare builds The Globe Theater

    The Globe Theatre also known as the Shakespeare Globe Theatre was not only one of most famous playhouse’s of all time, but the play house where Shakespeare performed many of his greatest plays. Built from oak, deal, and stolen playhouse frames, the 3 storey, 3000 capacity Globe Theatre, co-owned by William Shakespeare has become almost as famous as the playwright himself.