The Renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1449

    Birth of Lorenzo de’ Medici

    Birth of Lorenzo de’ Medici
    Patron of the arts
  • Oct 22, 1454

    Gutenberg prints the first Bible

    Gutenberg prints the first Bible
    It was the first bible printed and published
  • Feb 7, 1478

    Thomas More writes Utopia

    Thomas More writes Utopia
    Utopia is a work of satire, indirectly criticizing Europe's political corruption and religious hypocrisy. More was a Catholic Humanist
  • 1503

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
    Subject of this painting in the book. Oh, and another thing is that one of the reasons this painting is so famous is because of her smile.
  • 1504

    Michelangelo sculpts the David

    Michelangelo sculpts the David
    The statue represents the Biblical hero David, a favoured subject in the art of Florence
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church

    Martin Luther posts 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church
    When they posted the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation
  • 1534

    King Henry VIII begins Protestant Anglican church

    King Henry VIII begins Protestant Anglican church
    As a result of this schism, many non-Anglicans consider that the Church of England only existed from the 16th century Protestant Reformation
  • 1543

    Nicolas Copernicus publishes On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres

    Nicolas Copernicus publishes On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres
    Placed the sun at the center of the universe and argued that the Earth moved across the heavens as one of the planets
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespeare is born

    William Shakespeare is born
    English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist
  • Galileo invents a thermometer

    Galileo invents a thermometer
    A device that allowed temperature variations to be measured