Oct 31, 1517
Luther's Challenge To the Church
Luther's beliefs caused conflicts between him and the Chuch. On this date, Martin Luther nailed 95 arguments onto the Church door in Wittenburg. Luther attacked the idea of indulgences, and believed religion should be driven by faith, not deeds. Many people agreed with him. -
Jan 1, 1521
In early 1521, the Pope excommunicated Martin Luther. -
May 1, 1521
Imperial Assembly
The Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, called Martin Luther to an imperial assembly held in Worms. Luther refused to change his views, and later translated the New Testament into German. -
Nov 11, 1524
Rebellous Peasants
From 1524 to 1525, peasants rebelled against German princes. Some German princes turned to Lutherian, and this act of rebellion caused wars to occur. -
Dec 24, 1527
Henry VIII
Tudor King Henry VIII, wanted to divorce his wife, but divorce was not allowed. Henry asked the Pope to cancel his marriage, but the Pope refused, and Henry removed England from the authority of the Pope. -
Dec 24, 1534
The Act of Supremecy
The next people to break away from the Church of Rome was the English Parliment. The act made the monarch the head of the Church, which Henry closed down two years earlier. -
Dec 24, 1545
The Council of Trent
The Pope called Church leaders to Trent to discuss the problems in of the Church. The sale of indulgences was banned and discipline of the Church was tightened. -
Dec 24, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
Ferdinand of Austria and the German princes soon reached an agreement. This treaty ended all religous wars. This treaty allowed the German princes to follow the religion they wanted too, and other people did not have to conform.