Dec 10, 1400
The Catholic Church
During this time, the Roman Chatolic Church was powerful and wealth in Europe. Because of that the Church was moving away from its spiritual purpose, it was mostly involved with corruption and too much taxation. One example of this is whe Pope Leo X approval of the sale of indulgences. -
Dec 10, 1412
Early Reformers
John Wycliffe from England and John Huss from southern Bohemia were one of the 1st people who steped up thire games and challenged the church, but their progress wes not that much affective on the church but it brought some foundation for the reformation. Also Nationalism was growing in Europe, which posed a challeng on the church too. -
Aug 15, 1517
The 95 Theses
[95 Theses](//http://www.biography.com/people/martin-luther-9389283) This was the time where Martin Luter public his disagreement about the church. His most disagreement was about the indulgences, which he refers to it as sin. He used the printing press to public his Theses. Many pepeol agreed to hsi idea, and these Theses brought the sence of reform to dwell in people mind. -
Oct 13, 1520
Spreding of Luter's idea
Luter was expelled from the church by Leo X. The next year, Luter was called by the new Holy Roman Emperor, but still he didn't change his idea of the church. Luter was an outlaw to the church. Even that didn't stop his idea to spred more and more, faster and faster. -
Sep 23, 1530
Luter's idea was spreading very quickly through out Europe. He didn't start all of this to form a new religon, but by the time of 1530 Lutheranism was a well known root of Christianity. when we see the time where he posted the theses and the starting of Lutheranism, there is just 13 years. This shows us how quickly the idea spred -
Dec 15, 1534
Henry VII
King Henry VIII of England sapareted himself from the catholic church and formed the Church of England. The resson he did that is because the chatolic church didn't grant him his wishes when he asked them to annul his marriage. He made himself the hade of the Church of England. -
Feb 13, 1536
John Calvin
John Calvin is a Franch man who was a law student in the University of Orléans when he became part of the Reformation. In 1536 he published the landmark text Institutes of the Christian Religion, which states that there are few people who will go to haven. And God only know the people who will go to haven. -
Dec 16, 1542
The Roman Inquisiton
The Roman Inquisiton is a church court. This court is set by the chatolic church. The court is set for pople who became Protestants, for people who practice witchcraft, or for pople who breake the laws of the church. It was part of the counter reformation. -
Dec 17, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
Charles V who was the Emperor of the Holy Roman began a war against the Lutheran in Germany. After yars of war, the Peace of Augsbourg was sign. This agreement was set so that the people can choose what they want to be. But Charles was not found at the agreement. -
Henry's Edic of Nantes
The Edic of Nantes was a religious freedom to Protestants(Huguenots) by king Henry of Nantes. Henry became king of France after he converted himself to catholic so that the people accept him as a king