Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses
Dr. Martin Luther wrote a list of 95 these, or problems, with the protestant chirch. It was from these theses tha people drew the power to fight against the church's authority. -
Apr 17, 1521
Diet of Worms
An assembly held in Worms, Germany. The main focus was to hear out the pleads of Martin Luther. -
Oct 17, 1521
Henry VIII "Defender of Faith"
King Henry VIII was declared the Defender of Faith, or Fidei Defenso, after he wrote a book directly contradicting everything that Martin Luther said. -
Oct 1, 1529
Marburg Colloquay
A meeting at Marburg Castle to settle the diferences between Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli. Mainly to dispute over christ's presence in the Lord's Supper. -
Jun 25, 1530
Augsburg Confession
The primary confession of faith for the Lutheran Church. -
Nov 24, 1534
Act of Supremecy
King Henry VIII granted himself, and all his descendants to have supreme ruling of the Church of England. -
Jul 6, 1535
Execution of Sir Thomas Moore
An important lawer, and councillor to King Henry VIII. He was committed of treason after he refused to go to Anne Boleyn's coronation. -
Sep 25, 1536
John Calvin "Institutes of Christian Religion"
John Calvin's work of seminal Protistant systematic theology. -
Oct 6, 1536
William Tyndale's Execution
He was a leading person in the protestant reform. He was betrayed by Henry Ohillips, captured by imperial forces, and executed. -
Sep 27, 1540
Society of Jesus
It is a Catholic Religious Order. -
Dec 13, 1545
Council of Trent
The Council of Trent was the Church's main embodiment of Counter-Revolution. Held in Northern Italy, more than 25 sessions were held to combat the oncoming revolution. -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
The Peace of Augsburg, also called the Augsburg Settlement, was a treaty between Charles V and the forces of the Schmalkaldic League, an alliance of Lutheran princes, at the imperial city of Augsburg. -
Edict of Nantes
The Edict of Nantes, issued by Henry IV of France, granting the Calvinist Protestants of France substantial rights in a nation still considered essentially Catholic -
King James Bible
The third English translated bible approved by the English Church. The first being the Great Bible, then the Bishop's Bible, then King James Bible. -
English Reformation
The series of events throughout the 16th century leading to the church of #England breaking off from the Pope and the Catholic Chuirch.