
The Progression to World War I Timeline

  • Creation of the Dual Alliance

    Creation of the Dual Alliance
    Otto Von Bismarck found France to be a great threat to Germany, after the war had ended. He thought that he must isolate France becuase without allies they would not be strong, enough to take over Germany. So, Bismarck decided to make a dual alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. This is an example of an alliance system. An alliance system is an agreement or promise to defend and help another country.
  • Creation of the Tripple Alliance

    Creation of the Tripple Alliance
    An alliance is the agreements or promises a country makes to defend and help another country. Germany and Austria-Hungary (the dual alliance), and were joined y Italy to make the tripple alliance. This was done by Otto Von Bismarck to take away another possible ally for France.
  • Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II and resignation of Bismarck, lapse of treaty with Russia.

    Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II and resignation of Bismarck, lapse of treaty with Russia.
    In 1890 Germany's foreign policy changed. That year Kaiser Wilhelm II, the ruler of Germany, forced Bismarck to resign. Also as time went on the treaty that Germany had once had with Russia failed, and in response to that Russia formed an alliance with France.
  • Alliance of Russia and France

    Alliance of Russia and France
    The alliance between Russia and Germany lapsed in 1890. In response to this alliance failure, Russia made a defensive military alliance with France to get back at Germany. This was Bismarck's fear, and he knows that if Germany goes into war with Russia and France then he will be the enemy of both.
  • Conflicts over Morocco

    Conflicts over Morocco
    In 1905 and again in 1911, Germany and France nearly fought over who would contol Moroco, in Northern Africa. Most of Europe supported France, so Germany backed down. This event is significant because it shows how imperialism, expanding and emprie by taking over weaker countries, led to intense competition and conflict between European countries.
  • Creation of the Triple Entente

    Creation of the Triple Entente
    Wilhelm began to make the German army as strong and powerful as the British army. Great Britain found out about this, and was alarmed by it. So, they made an entente or alliance with France andn Russia. This did not connect Britain to these three countries, but it did ensure that they would not fight against them.
  • Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina
    These were two Balkan areas with large Slavic populations. Serbian leaders that had watned to take over this area were outraged that Austria took it over. The two countries became enemies, and the Seerbs constantly vowed that they would reclaim Bosnia and Herzegovina. Austira responded by saying that they would crush any effort that the Serbs made to take over the Balkans. This is an example of nationalism (the belief that one should be loyal to their own country and not foreign powers).
  • The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The Archduke and his wife were killed while taking a carriage ride through out the capital of Bosnia. They were killed by a Bosnian extremist that was part of The Black Hand. The Black Hand was a secret society that worked on ridding Bosnia and Herzegovina of Austrian rulers.
  • Rise of militarism

    Rise of militarism
    Militarism is the policy of gloryifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war. This happened a lot before World War 1 started, because it gave the countries time to put their armies together. The rise of militarism was when the idea of militarism becaem very popular.
  • The first declaration of war (the first day of World War I!) and the succession of declarations of war by Austria, Russia, Germany, and Great Britain

    The first declaration of war (the first day of World War I!) and the succession of declarations of war by Austria, Russia, Germany, and Great Britain
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russia declares war on Austira-Hungary. Germany declares war on Russia. Germany declaes war on Russia. Germany declares war on France. Germany invades through nuetral Belgium. Germany declares war on Great Britain. Itay joins triple Entente. Turkey joins triple Entente. Triple Alliance becomes Central Powers. Triple Entente becomes the Allied Powers.