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The Progression of African American Rights

  • The Passing of the 13th Amendment

    The Passing of the 13th Amendment
    Abolished Slavery
    Marked the Beginning of the Reconstruction
    A Catalyst for other Civil Rights Legislation
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    Huge social movement for African Americans
    Manifested in theater, art, and music
    Rise of popular Black writers (Langston Hughes/Claude McKay)
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Desegregated public Schools
    'Separate but equal' was declared unconstitutional
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or natural origin.
    It prohibited unequal application of voter registration requirements, racial segregation in schools, and employment
  • African Americans in Reagan's America

    African Americans in Reagan's America
    The Reagan administration failed to address civil rights.
    During his tenure Oprah and the Cosby Show became popular
    Americans increasingly embraced racial diversity as a positive value but most often approached the issue through an individualistic–not a systemic–framework.
    Reagan's administration cut aid so life was hard for many African Americans.
  • The Election of Barack Obama

    The Election of Barack Obama
    Barack Obama was the first African American elected as the President of the United States.
  • Black Lives Matter Movement

    Black Lives Matter Movement
    This movement has led to awareness about police brutality. Colin Kaepernick and his protest of kneeling during the National Anthem has caught America's attention.
    Progress has been made since 1865, but civil rights is still an issue today.