-2 Archduke Ferdinand assassinated, war declared (Social and Political Change)
Gave a -2 for this due to the fact that this event started a war in which many people were killed. -
Period: to
World War One
0 First Battle Of Ypres (Political Change)
I gave this a zero due to the fact that although our allies the UK fought for our freedom in this battle, many people lost their lives. -
-1 First use of chlorine gas by the Germans at the second Battle of Ypres (Political Change)
I gave this event a -1 because the Germans created a chemical gas so harmful that it could kill our soldiers in battle. Also, the gas was a surprise to Britain and they did not have enough of the necessary materials to fight against it. -
+1 Surgeon Lt. Col John McCrae wrote the poem "In Flanders Fields". (Social Change)
I gave this a +1 because this poem inspired the people of Canada that there is going to be peace one day and the poem also mad Canada famous world wide. -
+2 Battle of the Somme (Political Change)
I gave this a +2 because it was the first debut of the Canadian corps and the tank was introduced into battle, which boosted our reputation. -
0 United States Congress declares war on Germany (Political Change)
I gave this a zero because our allies were the one to declare war on Germany and we helped the US try to overcome them in battle. -
+2 Vimy Ridge (Political and Social Change)
I gave this a +2 due to the fact that it was the first occasion on which all four divisions of the Canadian Corps attacked as a formation. With this formation, they defeated the German Empire and boosted Canada's reputation. -
+1 The War-Time Elections Act (Social Change)
I gave this a +1 because the War-time Elections Act gave vote in federal elections to women. This was the first glimpse of women starting to become more equally respected as the men. -
+2 First Income Tax (Economic Change)
I gave this a +2 because this helped fund the army into putting a more tactically skilled group. This law is also applicable today as we pay tax to the government in order to help them fund their decisions as a country. -
+1 Bordon's Union Government Win Federal Election (Political Change)
I gave this a +1 because in the future he would make many decisions that would help Canada in the war, but, enrage many citizens as well. -
-1 Anti-Conscription Riots (Social Change)
I gave this a -1 because many people were mad due to the government's decision to conscript young men for overseas military service. Although Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden believed in the military value of a strong Canadian contribution to the war, many people begged to differ. -
+1 The Battle Of Amiens (Political Change)
I gave this a +1 because the Battle of Amiens was the beginning of the end of the Germany. A powerful Allied force of Canadian and Australian armies put immense pressure on the Germans. -
+2 Armistice (Social and Political Change)
I gave this a +2 because Germany agreed to end the fighting on the western front which ultimately lead to the end of the war. -
+2 The Treaty Of Versailles (Social and Political Change)
I gave this a +2 because this treaty ultimately ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. This lead into many years of peace before the next war.