George Washington was born.
Birth of our nation...
The United States was born as new country. -
Inaguration: Our First President
George Washington becomes our first president. -
Period: to
Presidents 2nd-15th held office.
They were 14 presidents between George and Abraham.Since Washington resigned to the time Lincoln inagurated, 64 years had passed. -
Washington dies at his home from a sore throat.
Washington did not have access to medicines that could cure his sore throat because they had not been created yet. -
Period: to
Seperate Washington and Lincoln Celebrations
During this time both presidents where celebarted on their respective birthdays as separate celebrations, with Washington's birth being the only one to be a holiday. -
Abraham Lincoln's Birth.
Lincoln as a boy, standing close to the fire so he could read at night after doing all his daily chores. They had no electricity. -
First Practical Photo Camera
Presidents born after this invention will be the first presidents to have their picture taken. George Washington was born before so you can only see him in paintings. -
Lincoln is inagurated
Lincoln's presidency ends with his assasination.
Abraham Lincoln is assasinated by John Wilkes Booth in Ford's Thearter during a play. -
First President's Day
One holiday was created to celebrate both Washington and Lincoln. It is celebrated the third Monday of every February because both presindents were born on February.