First obstetric month
About six days after fertilization, the egg (fertilized egg) reaches the uterus and nests in it. In a few days, one part of the cells will give rise to the placenta, and the other part to the embryo. From that moment the maternal organism begins to change.
Pregnancy is usually not discovered until the first fault occurs - a couple of weeks after fertilization - although some women who have already been mothers can sense the presence of the future baby beforehand. -
Period: to
First trimester
Second obstetric month
Mood alterations are frequent due to the hormonal revolution that is taking place in women. The chest has grown and it hurts a little. In the areola small nodules, called Montgomery tubers, are distinguished. It is likely that nausea and dizziness appear, and increase the production of saliva and the need to urinate. Many women feel tired and need more sleep than usual. It is a defense of the organism, which is preparing for the overexertion that awaits you in the coming months. -
Third obstetric month
The abdomen begins to bulge slightly. It is time to review the wardrobe to select the most comfortable clothes. Tight clothing is not advisable because it can hinder blood circulation. It decreases the production of the chorionic gonadotropin hormone, which causes unpleasant nausea and changes in appetite. The gums can swell and bleed easily due to hormonal changes. -
Fourth obstetric month
The woman feels more vital, the waist has disappeared and the hips have begun to round, but the incipient gut is still not annoying. The nipples increase in size and become darker. In the center of the abdomen usually appears a vertical line of blackish tone that will fade after delivery. Hormonal changes can also darken the sensitive areas of the skin (freckles, moles). Avoid exposing yourself to the sun or, if you do, use creams with a high protection factor. -
Period: to
Second trimester
Fifth obstetric month
There comes one of the most anticipated moments of pregnancy: the first kick of the baby. It is usually noticed around week 20 of pregnancy, although women who have more children can perceive fetal movements about 15 days before. In the middle of pregnancy, breathing becomes deeper and the heart rate accelerates.
The gut begins to be evident and you have to wear pre-mom clothes. Some women notice slight swelling in the arms and ankles. The hair can become more abundant. -
Sixth obstetric month
The uterus continues to grow and extends above the navel. The future mom can no longer disguise her condition. The skin of the belly is stretched and itching may appear. They are relieved by applying moisturizer, which also prevents stretch marks. The navel can protrude and remain so until delivery. Then it will return to normal. The uterus does not fit in the pelvis anymore. As it spreads, it displaces the intestines and presses slightly on the liver and diaphragm. -
Seventh obstetric month
It is time to start preparing the basket in case the delivery is ahead and because, as the pregnancy progresses, the mother will feel more tired. Sexual relations can be maintained as long as there are no contractions and the gynecologist does not advise against them. The uterus extends above the navel and the belly begins to be prominent. The woman may feel difficult to breathe. The heart has to beat faster to pump blood to the placenta. It is normal to feel tired sometimes. -
Period: to
Third trimester
Eighth obstetric month
.The baby has been placed head down and every day has less room to move.
The typical discomforts of the last months (back pain, acidity, constipation ...) are more pronounced due to overexertion. It is possible that the woman has gained around 11 kilos.
By week 36, the fetus is usually placed in the final position for birth: head down. When it occurs, the pregnant woman may feel isolated contractions or diffuse pain in the lower abdomen. -
Ninth obstetric month
If the child coming on the road is the first child, his head descends and fits into the pelvis preparing for birth; If the woman is not new, this decrease could occur at the beginning of the contractions. The gut goes down and the tension on the thorax and stomach decreases. The woman may need to urinate more often, because of the pressure exerted by the child's head on the bladder. Some women feel an urgent need to clean and order. -
Period: to
Probable dates for birth.