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Fetal Development Timeline

  • Week 1

    Week 1
    The very first week is the last week of a female menstrual cycle. The female is not really pregnant yet, the menstrual cycle is counted as part of preganacy.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Researchers note that babies may cry with the intonations of their mother tongue
    -While all children grow and develop in similar patterns, each child develops at his or her own pace
  • Week 2: Fertlization

    Week 2: Fertlization
    This week is the week for the female to ovulate. Several day prior to ovulation, the eggs produced are ripened in the follicles and the endometrium becomes thicker. On the day of ovulation, the egg goes into the fallopian tube where a sperm will fertilize it.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -The development of language occurs in four stages: 1) babbling stage, 2) single-word stage, 3) two-word stage, and 4) multi-word stage
    -In the U.S., the average baby starts watching TV at 5 months old.
  • Week 3: Cells Join, Divide - New life begins

    Week 3: Cells Join, Divide - New life begins
    Upon fertilization, the sperm determined the gender sex of the baby by the fathers sperm chromosomes. The fertilized egg continues to travel down the fallopian tube.
    Fun facts about child development:
    -If babies’ bodies grew at the same rapid pace as their brains, they would weigh 170 pounds by one month of age
    - 60% of all the energy a baby expends is concentrated in the brain
  • Week 4: Implantation

    Week 4: Implantation
    This stage is called blastocyst. Implantation of the blastocyst occurs at about day 5 to day 8 of embryo development. The embryos are usually transferred into the uterus around this stage and the female embryo splits into two parts this week.
    Fun fact about childe development:
    -The birth-to-three period is the fastest rate of brain development across the entire human life span.
    -Babies whose parents frequently talk to them know 300 more words by age 2
  • Week 5: The embryonic stage begins

    Week 5: The embryonic stage begins
    There are a lot of major events that takes place during this week such as the egg has now completely grown into the mucous membrane of the uterus which covers the egg, the umbilical sac and the amniotic fluid cavity. The placenta is developing.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -By age 1, a child typically understands about 70 words, but can only speak only a handful of them
    -Music boosts learning.
  • Week 6: The heart begins to beat

    Week 6: The heart begins to beat
    During this week, the heart of the baby begins to beat. The first blood cells and blood vessels are developing. A pipe-shaped heart is formed and begins to beat. The brain of the baby begins to divide into 5 parts. The cells destined to be the arms and legs are in place. During this week, the female may experience tiredness and as recomendation, female should gets plenty of sleep because it is important for the developing of the baby.
    Fun fact:
    -The average 4-year-old asks 437 questions a day
  • Week 7: Arms and legs begin to grow

    Week 7: Arms and legs begin to grow
    The baby is considered an embryo at this point. It is begininng to develop arms,legs,and its face is beginning to further develop, The embryo has grown and is about 1/2 of an inch long at this point.

    Fun facts about child development:
    - The interaction between genes and environmental variables can influence how a child develops.
    -Problems during the prenatal period can impact later childhood development
  • Week Eight: Starts to practice moving

    Week Eight: Starts to practice moving
    During this week, the baby continues to develop limbs, as they limbs begins to form hand and feet the female could feel it in their right bladder. The pituitary gland also begins to form in this week and began to perform the grow of muscle fibers. The baby's tail has almost dissapeared during this week and the baby's face has features such as mouth and tounge.
    Fun fact about child development:
    - Researchers have found that parenting styles can influence child development outcomes.
  • Week 9: Fingers and Toes form

    Week 9: Fingers and Toes form
    During this week, the fingers and toes are well defined as well as other features of the baby. The baby is now swimming around in the female bag of fluid. The baby's head is bigger than the rest of the body during this week because the brain rapidly growing.
    Fun fact bout child development:
    -The way that caregivers talk to their children plays an important role in language development.
    -An infant's babbling is actually one of the earliest stages of language development.
  • Week 10: Embryo is now a Fetus

    Week 10: Embryo is now a Fetus
    The embryo is beginning to transition between embryo and fetus. It develops muscles and has begun movements. Many features of the baby are now clearly shown and it already has fingerprints.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Development in childhood follows a fairly predictable path and timetable.
    -Responsive care during childhood is essential for the formation of early attachments.
  • Week 11: Neurons multiply

    Week 11: Neurons multiply
    At week 11, the baby fingers and toes have completely separate and they begin to have taste. Also if the baby is a boy then his testicles are starting to produce the testosterone hormone. The heart is almost complete and the brain continues to growth. The brain oducing more than 250,000 nerve cells a minute. By now the planceta has developed enough to support hormones.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -The authoritative parenting style is often identified as the best style overall.
  • Week 12: Fingernails and toenails appear

    Week 12: Fingernails and toenails appear
    At week 12 the baby fingernails and toenails appear. The baby can suck his thumb, and get hiccups. By now the female could hear the heart beats of the baby through monitors and could see that the baby's heart beat is about 160 ( double the amount of an adult)
    Fun fact about child development:
    -At preschool age, your child begins to see themselves as an individual
    -Your child understands what you are saying before they begin to speak.
  • Week 13: Baby flexes and kicks

    Week 13: Baby flexes and kicks
    Around this week, the baby is producing insulin that controls their blood glucose. Since the musles of the baby has becomes lengthen and organized the baby could move around , flexed arms and kicking the legs.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -An average baby will triple his birth weight in his first year
    -Your baby can breathe under water while in Utero
  • Week 14: Hormones start up

    Week 14: Hormones start up
    Week 14 is when the baby start tp peeinto the amniotic fluid round itself as well as making breathing movements. For the boys, they now have a prostate gland. As for girls, the ovaries move from the abdomen into the pelvis. Also around this time, the head and eyebrows hair begins to develop.
    Fun fact about the child development:
    -Most 1 year olds are ambidextrous
    -A 2 year old has twice as many neural pathways as an adult
  • Week 15: Bones and muscles grow

    Week 15: Bones and muscles grow
    During this week the baby's body has become proportional such as the legs are now longer than the arms and the body is now longer than the hear. As the baby's bones and muscles begin to growth, it begins to have more movements. It kicks, twist and turns. For some they migt feel movement and some they don't. Its a normal sign.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Your child probably won’t remember anything before the age of 3
    -When your preschooler covers their eyes they think you can’t see either.
  • Week 16: Facial expressions are possible

    Week 16: Facial expressions are possible
    On week 16, the baby is about 5 inches long and weight about 3.5 ounces. The baby has learned how to breath and because it develops more muscle, it can show facial epression. The baby also hears external voices, sleeps and dreams and Fat begins to form underneath skin.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Your baby startles in utero
    - At birth, a baby’s vision is very blurry
  • Week 17: Fat accumulates

    Week 17: Fat accumulates
    During this week, the baby is weigh in over 5 ounces and about 5 inches long. The baby is sensitive to light and meconium are now begin to accumulate. Baby develops fats and stores in under the skin to keep the baby warms.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Your baby can smell what you smell
    -Your Baby can’t taste salt until 4 month of age
  • Week 18: Baby begins to hear

    Week 18: Baby begins to hear
    Vernix begins to form on the baby's skin covering the body and limbs. It helps protecting the baby after months being under water. The baby could hear the female heart beats, stomach rumbling and could be startle by those noises.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Children can organize information in their memory starting at age 7
  • Week 19: Genitals recognizable

    Week 19: Genitals recognizable
    During this week, the baby sex will cause their genitals to develop and recognize such as if it is a female then uterus starts to develop, the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes are in place. If it's a boy, the genitals are distinct and recognizable. The female sound always double checked since ultrasound is not always 100% right all the time.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Psychological changes in the brain let grade-schoolers begin to draw moral distinctions based on internal judgment
  • Week 20: The halfway point

    Week 20: The halfway point
    20 weeks marked the halfway point of the pregnancy timeline. By now, baby can actually hear noises outside of the womb.Such as music, and sounds that baby becomes accustomed to during their development stages. This is also an important time for sensory development since nerve cells serving each of the senses; taste, smell, hearing, sight. During the 20 weeks the bay is easure from top to bottom but after that the baby is measure from head to heel.
  • Week 21: Nourishment evolves

    Week 21: Nourishment evolves
    By now, the baby is now gaining weight steadily, with fat being added to the body. Bone marrow has started making blood cells.
    The placenta has provided nearly all of your baby's nourishment, now your baby will begin to absorb small amounts of sugar.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -60% of all the energy a baby expends is concentrated in the
    -Social interaction enhances the speed and accuracy of learning at all ages.
  • Week 22: Taste buds develop

    Week 22: Taste buds develop
    By this time the baby is about 1 pound and 11 inches long. The baby could reacts to loud noises and the taste buds begin to develop. It also has a sleeping and wakening rhtym.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -ALL caregivers who are a part of a child’s life impact his/her brain development.
    -A strong parent-child bond in early childhood prepares children to better handle stress throughout life.
  • Week 23: Sense of balance develops

    Week 23: Sense of balance develops
    As week 23 begins, the baby begin to do a regular 'workout' inside the female womb. He or she turns from side to side and head over heels. The develop of the inner ears help the baby to stay fully in control, The baby may have a sense of whether he or she is upside-down or right side up in the womb.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Babies learn what is important to pay attention to by following the eye gaze of adults.
    -Humans are born with the ability to learn any language.
  • Week 24: Practices breathing

    Week 24: Practices breathing
    The baby's lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree whch help the baby in the process of breathing. The baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid into developing lungs.
    Fun fact about child development:
    - Learning more than one language improves cognitive development.
    -Children do not need special toys or videos to stimulate their brain development.
  • Week 25: Exploration continues

    Week 25: Exploration continues
    Baby is now proprtion even though it still has little body fat and its skin is thin. The baby's tiny brain is growing rapidly, and the baby is starting to fill the space in your uterus. The female is now look pregnant due to the enlarge of the uterus. The uterus is now lokking like a socer ball.
    Fun fact about child development:
    - Babies use the facial expressions of adults to decide how they feel.
    -Holding and stroking an infant stimulates the brain to release
    important hormones.
  • Week 26: Second trimester ends this week

    Week 26: Second trimester ends this week
    Second trimester end with the baby's eyes begin to open. Measures 14 inches long and weighs over 1.7 pound. Third trimester about to begin.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -If babies’ bodies grew at the same rapid pace as their brains, they would weigh 170 pounds by one month of age.
    -Reading aloud to children helps stimulate brain development, yet only 50% of infants and toddlers are routinely read to by their parents.
  • Week 27: Eyes can open

    Week 27: Eyes can open
    Third trimester begins. The baby now appears much like he or she will look like at birth. Baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes and hair is growing everyday.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -By the time they are 3, children’s brains have formed 1000 trillion connections between neurons.
    -Floor time” with a child including talking, singing, reading, playing, and exploring objects and physical space are the best ways tostimulate brain development.
    stimulate brain
  • Week 28: May recognize your voice

    Week 28: May recognize your voice
    It is recommended that the female should talk to the baby, sing a song becasue the babay could hear the female voices now and it can help to calm the baby down during and after birth. Also the brain waves shows REM and it could means that the baby is dreaming.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -A child develops the ability to reason by the age of five.
    -Nearly one-third of children entering kindergarten are 1.5 years behind their peers.
  • Week 29: Movement is more forceful

    Week 29: Movement is more forceful
    The brain is developing billion of neurons. The baby may be performing fewer movements because living conditions in the womb are becoming more smaller but it still doing a lot of kicking and stretching. Some of the baby ounches and kicks are sometimes really strong in which could result the female breath being taken away.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Children in high-quality programs begin kindergarten socially and emotionally competent.
  • Week 30: Weeks, Months and Trimesters Guides

    Week 30: Weeks, Months and Trimesters Guides
    The baby is gain about half a pound a week until week 38. The baby is getting fatter day by day and begins to control its own body temperature. Baby continues to put on fat stores and the major weight gains will occur in the coming weeks. On the ultrasound, it could be seen that the baby is grasping for it's hands and feet which helps with the nerve development
    Fun fact about child development:
    -The average child-care worker earns less than $15,000 a year.
  • Week 31: Baby detects light

    The baby could react to loud noises by doing a little jump. Baby may move to the rhythm of music. At the same time, the baby's eyes can now completely open and the irises are now responsive to light, dilating and contracting as needed.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -When children are in high-quality care, working parents are more productive, have less absenteeism, show a greater work focus, and better overall work performance.
    -A year of child care costs parents more than a year of college.
  • Week 32: Reproductive development continues

    During this time the baby sleeps most of the day. Because the uterus is too small, the baby movement decrease. The female should check for movements from time to time and count the amount of kicks.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -A youngster's brain works on a "use it or lose it" principle, and synapses not used or stimulated early will be discarded.
    -child care breakdowns leading to employee absences cost businesses $3 billion annually.
  • Week 33: Lanugo is disappearing

    The baby is using lungs to practice breathing and drink about a pint of amniotic fluid a day. The baby early baby fuzz, lanugo, is disappearing now and being replaced by actual hair and their finger nails are now very long in which the baby often scratch their face before they're even born.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -In Ohio, the early education and care industry generates over $1.95 billion in gross receipts and accounts for nearly 57,000 jobs. In Stark County, gross receipts are $57.5
  • Week 34: Rapid growth continues

    The baby begins to grow rapidly and the baby could have already turned to a head down in preparation for birth. The skull of the baby is very flexible to help to ease exit out of the narrow birth canal.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -The average age children begin to use a microwave is seven
    -A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.
  • Week 35: Reflexes are coordinated

    Baby still doesn't have enough fat beneath it's skin to keep the temperature warm. Most baby that are born now would probably be put in an incubator. 90% of babies born this week survive.During this time of the week, the baby often drops down in the pelvis causing the female to easily be breathing normal again.
    Fun fact about child development:
    -Childrens kneecaps only start to turn bony at 3 years of age, until that they are made of cartilage.
    -Children under the age of six are at the greatest
  • Week 36: Baby may drop into the birth canal

    During week 36, the baby may drop into the birth canal, this is called 'lightening' or 'dropping'. The majority of babies are now in the birth position, either head down or butt down, most will maintain this position until birth.
  • Week 37: Pregnancy is considered 'at term'

    Even though there are stil 3 weeks left, the female is now in range of giving birth and once it starts there's no stopping.
  • Week 38: Development is complete

    The development of the baby is now complete. The main focus of the baby now is to gain weight. The body continues produces fat stores at a rate of about an ounce a day, that will help regulate his or her body temperature after birth.
  • Week 39: Very close now

    It is very close for the baby to come out and the female to give birth now. It is recommended for the female to often check on the ovemtn of the baby becasue the uterus is getting very cramped now so the baby often having forceful movents.
  • Week 40: Your due date arrives

    The due dates is now arrive but often many female experience that sometimes they don't give birth to the baby until 2 weeks later. Don't get discourage because 40 weeks is an average weeks for female to give birth. Techniquely it is not late if the female doesn't give birth at week 40.