Jan 1, 600
The development and interaction of cultures -
Jan 1, 600
Although the spread of Islam continued to develop and advance throughout the post classical period, the expansion changed as the evolution between the people, extent of interaction and culture spread. -
Period: Jan 1, 600 to Dec 31, 1450
The Span of the Post Classical Period
Jan 1, 610
Muhammad Recieved First Revelation
This is a time when Muhammad grew increasingly distracted and disssatisfied wit material gain. He began spending increasing amounts of time in the hills and wilderness that surrounded Mecca, and he recieved his first revelation. Due to his little number of followers, he received his revelation through the angel Gabriel This event shows continuity and they wanted to stick with their own beliefs. -
Jan 1, 622
Passage fro Mecca to Medina
Muhammad and his small band of followers made way for a safe passage from Mecca to Medina. This demonstartes the interaction of people becasue thye are taking their beliefs and trying to spread it to other cities as they travel. Te assage of Muhammad created change in time because as his followers began to travel with him, more people began accepting of the Islamic ways. -
Jan 1, 711
The First Muslim Invasion
The first and least enduring Muslim intrusion resulted indirectl from the peaceful trading contacts that had initially brought Muslims into contact with Indian civiliaztion.The traders continued to visit the ports of India. This event signified a continuance of the Indian subcontinent by Islam providing little change to their culture. -
Jan 1, 732
Charles Martel Dfeats France
The Muslim advance to the West was borught to a halt by the defeat in France by Vharles Maartel at Biters. Although they were stopped, the message of Islam managed to spread along the grounds of Afrivs. This event shows the extent as interaction as Islma develops in North Africa. The advancement of Islam developing in different regions shows the change of the areas that Islam develops in. -
Jan 1, 750
Battle of the River Zab
IN 750 CE, the Abassid forces met an army led by the Umayyad calioh himself in the Battle of the River Zab near the Tigris River. The Abbasid victory opened the way for the conquest of Syria and the capture of the Umayyad capital. This event shows a change over time because they moved the capital to Baghdad, which let Islam flourish. -
Jan 1, 1000
Development of New Sulptures
The Nok sculptures are known for their construction from practiced agriculture and used iron tools. They were pounded near the village of Nok in the forests of central Nigeria. This deomstrates a continuance of ciltural interaction because their arrtistic traditions spread widely through forest areas and other influenced people. -
Jan 1, 1324
Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage
Mansa Musa was the most famous of Sundiata's successors who traveled on a pilgrimage from Mecca to Mali. This event signified a change over time of culture becasue Mansa Musa brought back a poet and architect who directed the building of several important mosques and a distinct form of Sudanic architecture. -
Jan 1, 1370
Songhay Kingdom Forms
The Songhay Kingdom began as an independent kingdom, but quickly became a large city with a resident foreign merchant comunity and several mosques. Muslim influences over this kingdom varied widely from region to region. Some regions had a strict interperetation of Islam, but some regions throughout West Africa had no Islam established. -
Muhammad Returns to Hometown
Muhammad reutrns to Mecca with a large number of his followers. He enters the city quietly and peacefully. Eventually all the citiznes learned to accept Islam. The prophet requires the worship of god alone. There were more than 10,000 converts and this demonstrates the extent to which a religion provided. This is a change over time because the citizens of Mecca did not want to believe the prophet, but a majority of the people ended up converting to Islam. -
Second Wave of Muslim Invasions
The muslim hold on the area weakened as the quarreling between the Arabs and the Umayyads, and later, the Abbisad caliphs increased. A new series of military invasions was launched by a Turkish slave dynasty that seized power in Afghanistan to the north of the Indus valley. This event represents continuity because the invasions continue to spread out and succceed, the spread of Islam will intensify and advance.