Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Violence against Jews in Germany. The SA attacks Jewish Shops. Jews are forced out of jobs in newspapers and the Civil Service. In April Germans are told to boycott Jewish Shops -
Jewish people banned from having health insurance
Nazi Newspapers claim that Jews murder Christian children. -
The Nuremburg Laws are passed
Jews no longer allowed to be German citizens Jews not allowed to have sexual--‐relationships with non--‐Jews Jews not allowed to marry non--‐Jews -
Jews banned from all ‘professional’ jobs
Jews banned from state schools/cinemas/public places -
Jews banned from working any political or Government role
Jews forced to close down and sell their businesses -
Austria unites with Germany
Austrian Jews now persecuted as well Jewish Passports in Germany and Austria have to be stamped with a Red J. Kristallnacht–Night of Broken Glass -
Germany occupation of Czechoslovakia begins
Jews in Poland and Czechoslovakia begin to be persecuted. -
Germany invades Poland
All Jews in Nazi controlled territory forced to wear yellow star -
Germany invades Holland and Denmark, Belgium and Norway
Jewish Persecution in these countries begins. Auschwitz opens. Warsaw ghetto is sealed off in Poland – 400,000 Jews inside.