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The partition of India

  • The Lahore Resolution

    The Lahore Resolution
    In 1940,in the open spaces of Minto Park 100,000 Muslims gathered to hear Mr.Jinnah explain to them the final course of action for the Muslims which was to create a separate homeland
  • The Woman's Role during Partition

    The Woman's Role during Partition
    The Quaid was invited by the Punjab Girls Federation and addressed the students of Islamia Jinnah Girls College the importance of woman in the role of the progression of a country and had concluded the woman being vitally important for the partition
  • The Cripps Mission

    The Cripps Mission
    While the Muslims wanted their own separate state,Gandhi(leader of the Congress) wanted full independence,but with Japan reaching the borders of India in 1942,The British sent a delegation headed by Sir Stafford Cripps to negotiate with the Indian Leaders and secure their trust for Britain's war efforts.
  • Quit India

    Quit India
    While the Cripps mission resulting as an failure and British trying to to satisfy the leaders in some other way,Gandhi decided to protest to the British rule by the 'Quit India' movement but got just one day to protest.
  • The Jinnah-Gandhi talks

    The Jinnah-Gandhi talks
    After Gandhi being released from jail as a result of the Quit India movement,a meeting was set up between him and Mr.Jinnah through the efforts of Mr. Rajogopalachari.
    But alas,The meeting proved wrong as both leaders could not find any common ground for them to stand on
  • End of World War II and The Simla Conference

    End of World War II and The Simla Conference
    World War II coming to an end with Britain no longer holding on to its colonies including such as India.So the Viceroy Wavell called all the India parties for a conference in Simla.
    But,the conference in Simla failed because of the dispute between Muslims present in the Muslim league with the Muslims in Congress.
  • Period: to

    Provincial Elections of 1945-1946

    After the Simla Conference. Clement Attlee announced Central and Provincial Elections in which all parties decided to contest.
    In short, the Muslim league owned all of the Muslims votes in the election which then proved to the British that the Muslim league were the sole representatives of all of the Muslims in India and that Partition was the only solution for them.
  • The Cabinet Mission Plan

    The Cabinet Mission Plan
    It was the last attempt to keep a united India.It sent a three member Cabinet Mission mission which included Pethick-Lawrence,Sir Stafford Cripps and Lord A.V Alexander,but despite spending many weeks negotiating with the Indian leaders,they disagreed. So as a result the Cabinet Mission made their own plan and when it was said that if one party backed out from the plan,then other parties would go on without it,so When Congress backed out, the British delayed matters until Congress accepted.
  • Direct Action Day

    Quiad -e-Azam and the Muslim league were frustreted to see that the British were favoring the Congress and discussing former plans rather than accepting the idea of Pakistan.
    So,as result,the Muslim league completely rejected the Cabinet Mission Pan and announced a direct action day.
  • Period: to

    Partition Plan and The last Viceroy

    When the Cabinet mission plan failed when the two main didn't cooperate,Clement Attlee decided the date of transfer of power would be on June,1948 and had recalled Lord Wavell and had chosen Lord Mountbatten as the last Viceroy.
    When Lord Mountbatten took over,the partition of India was accepted by all parties including Mr.Jinnah who accepted it on 3rd June.So,Viceroy Mountbatten planed to move the Independence one year earlier on 15th August.
  • The Independence Act

    The Independence Act
    Whilst,Muslim League and Congress accepting the partition plan,the British parliament decided to pass on the Independence Act which would mark the end of the British Raj.
  • Independence at Last!

    Independence at Last!
    'Few people can alter history,fewer can change the map of the world and hardly anyone can create a state but Quaid-e-Azam did all three.,
    Stepping of the Dakota aircraft, in Karachi,Sindh,Quaid-e-Azam was accompanied by his sister to be sworn as the Governor-General and address the Pakistan's Constitute Assembly.
    Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's last words:
    'With faith,unity,discipline and devotion to duty,there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve. Pakistan Zindabad!
  • The Radcliff Award

    The Radcliff Award
    For division of territory of these two sates,two Boundary Comissions were appointed with the Sir Cyril Radcliff,When the two commissions could not come to a agreement,Sir Radcliff took it to his own decision to draw up the boundary lines.
    The results were then announced by Viceroy Mountbatten on 16th August.