
The Panama Canal

  • They think of the idea to make a canal

    They think of the idea to make a canal
    After thinking of the many things that could come with canal like relgion and trade they decided to help the pnamaninas in there revolution si that they could make the canal.
  • Revolution in Panama

    Revolution in Panama
    a revolt took place in panama city and colon where U.S. marines waited for the aid of the rebels
  • Panama's independence

    Panama's independence
    the United sates immediatly recognized the republic of Panama. A frenchman acting for Panama signed a treaty givivng the United States a 10 mile-zone across Panama
  • "Make the Dirt Fly"

    "Make the Dirt Fly"
    President Roosevelt establishes the Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC) to see through the construction of the Panama Canal. Roosevelt orders them to "make the dirt fly" or to start working on the canal as soon as possible
  • Struggles during the process

    Struggles during the process
    Durin theprocess of building the cannal they faced many difficult obstacles a few of them are yellow fever, landslides, machine malfunctions, how they would build the canal, and many other things. Many of the workers also feared that they would be let out of the job or fired.
  • The first case of Yellow Fever

    The first case of Yellow Fever
    After a couple of months a worker catches Yellow Fever. 14 more will follow the next two months.
  • The Chiefs Resigns

    The Chiefs Resigns
    Frustrated by the ICC's bureaucratic red tape and the low productivity of a disease-ridden work force, Wallace resigns as chief engineer.
  • George Sturgas

    George Sturgas
    Despite the doubts of U.S. politicians, William Gorgas stays committed to his theory that mosquitoes are transmitting malaria and yellow fever. Finally, with Roosevelt's backing, Gorgas' sanitation workforce is increased from 200 to 2,000 men this month. He starts by fumigating houses and by cleaning and spraying all types of swamps and stagnant water.
  • New Chief

    New Chief
    New Chief Engineer John Stevens arrives in Panama stressing the importance of satisfactory accommodations and sanitation before construction can be continued. He immediately places an order for new, state of the art equipment to improve the rate of excavation.
  • The Plan for the Canal

    The Plan for the Canal
    The ICC backs a plan that would construct massive locks at Gatún and create the largest man-made lake in history.
  • The last Death of Yellow Fever

    The last death from yellow fever is reported in Panama City after Gorgas orders $90,000 worth of copper screening to protect workers from mosquito bites.
  • The Opening of the Canal

    The Opening of the Canal
    The Panama Canal officially opens. The toll to cross is 90 cents per cargo ton.
  • Reflection

    "He makes nations great, and detroys them; He enlargs them, and guides them." Acts17:26
  • Inside the panma canal (video)

  • Works Cited

    "Brief History of the Panama Canal." Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2015. "Building the Panama Canal, 1903–1914 - 1899–1913 - Milestones - Office of the Historian." Building the Panama Canal, 1903–1914 - 1899–1913 - Milestones - Office of the Historian. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.