Viking battle reenactment 01 634x356

The Old Life

  • Oct 11, 1001

    The Vikings Arriving

    The Vikings Arriving
    Evidence Shows that the first europeans to arrive in the americas were the norse or vikings a people who come from scandiva ad 1001 leif erricson and 35 other vikings explored the coast of laborador and stayed the winter in newfoundland
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Christopher Columbus Mid 1400-S

    Christopher Columbus Mid 1400-S
    In The Mid 1400s christopher Columbus an itialian navigator became interested in sailing acroos the atlantic
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Voyage 1

    Christopher Columbus Voyage 1 On the evening of August 3rd 1492, Columbus left Palos with three ships, the Santa Maria, Niña and Pinta.
  • Sep 24, 1493

    Columbus Voyage 2

    Columbus Voyage 2
    Columbus left from Cádiz in Spain for his second voyage (1493-1496) on September 24, 1493, with 17 ships and about 1200 men.
  • May 30, 1498

    Columbus Voyage 3

    Columbus Voyage 3
    On May 30, 1498, Christopher Columbus left Sanlúcar, Spain with six ships for his third trip to the New World.
  • Oct 11, 1513

    Juan Ponce De Leon

    Juan Ponce De Leon
    Ponce De Leon The spanish governor of puerto rico discovered florida in 1513 also in 1513 vasco de balboa became the first european to reach the pacific coast of america