The New York Stock Exchange

  • The New York Stock Market Begins

    Twenty-four brokers and merchants signed the Buttonwood Agreement, which outlined trading policies. At the time, the participants decided to name this organization "The New York Stock & Exchange Board"
  • "New York Stock and Exchange Board " is shortened to the "New York Stock Exchange"

  • The most devastating stock market crash in American history begins.

    This crash signalled the beginning of The Great Depression.
  • Muriel Siebert becomes the first woman allowed to trade at the New York Stock Exchange

    Up until this point, only men were allowed to trade a the NYSE.
  • The NYSE becomes a not-for-profit-organization

  • The NYSE becomes a publicly-traded company

    The NYSE also switched to an online system at this point in time.
  • The NYSE merges with Euronext

    This merge enabled the NYSE to trade 10 billion shares each day. By doing this, the NYSE was also merged with five international exchanges.
  • The NYSE acquires the American Stock Exchange

  • The NYSE is fined to settle charges of market rule violations.

    The fines amounted to $4.5 million.