Fdr bill

The New Deal

  • The Emergency Banking Relief Act

    The Emergency Banking Relief Act
    This relief act was introduced in the first new deal. This was introduced to stop the panic caused by the depression. A bank holiday was called and the citizens of the United States were informed by Roosevelt via radio as to what the government was doing to recover from the depression. He also reassured the citizens that their money is safe.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    This reformation act was passed during the first new deal. This act caused the regulation of crops to eliminate overproduction. Also it made farm prices equal to the years 1909-1914. This act was later deemed unconstitutional because of taxation issues. The second revision of this bill came in 1938 with no taxes.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act

    Federal Emergency Relief Act
    The act established the Federal Emergency Relief Administration Agency. This authorized the distribution of federal aid to the states. $500 million of dollars and employed more than 20 million Americans. This also provided housing to 4-5 million people.
  • Home Owners Loan Act

    Home Owners Loan Act
    This relief act was ratified during the first new deal. This act was introduced to help all homeowners who had trouble paying off mortgages due to the depression. It provided aid and extended time for people to pay their mortgages. It also in some cases prevented foreclosures of houses and other kinds of property.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    This reform act was introduced during the first new deal. Roosevelt created the National Recovery Administration to help restructure all types of industry. This meant setting trade practices, wages and hours. This was hoped to raise prices by limited production while protecting purchasing powers of workers. The Public Works Administration was introduced to lend and grant 3.3 billion dollars.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    This reform bill was passed during the second new deal.This was an agency employing millions of job seekers, mostly unskilled men and minorities , to carry out public work projects such as construction of public buildings and roads. Public infrastructure such as bridges, schools, libraries and sewer systems were built as well.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    This reform act was passed during the second new deal. This act allowed workers to create unions as well as go on strike and also collectively bargain with their employers. This also restricted many anti-union tactics to promote unions between workers.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This reform/relief bill was ratified during the second new deal. This bill was designed to reduce the poverty levels of elderly people within the country. This paid unemployment insurance and money to dependent mothers and children. The federal government created its own social security system that granted pensions to millions of elderly Americans.
  • Banking Act of 1935

    Banking Act of 1935
    This relief act was passed during the second new deal. This act allowed all accounts to be inured up to $5000. This was a huge change to the original banking act in 1933 causing a lot of change and lots of banks had to adjust.
  • Adjustment Compensation Payment Act

    Adjustment Compensation Payment Act
    This relief act was passed during the second new deal. This act was supposed to provide U.S treasury bonds to veterans who had fought in World War 1. This was supposed to be a form of economic stimulus and relief for veterans who had been effected by the depression. President Roosevelt did not support this bill but congress had overturned his veto.