
The new century technology

By huntarr
  • Steam Rolla

    Steam Rolla
    Created by Denis Papin who lived from 22 aug. of 1647 to aboout 1712. He also created the Steam engine and the pressure cooker.

    Extracting fats from bones in a high-pressure steam enviroment. Food could be cooked under water raised by a furnace. Renders them to brittle making them easy to ground into bone meal.
  • Period: to

    17th century to 21st century inventions

    From the pressure cooker to huih alititude flying windmills!
  • The Pianofarte

    The Pianofarte
    Eveloved from the harpsichord. Manufacturers had been determined to produce better dynamic responses than the horpsichord. Piano was over 100 years old before Beethoven was writing music.
  • Upright Piano

    Upright Piano
    In the 1780's, the upright piano was created by Johann Schmidt. The was from Salzburg, Austria.
  • Telegraph

    sending an electronic current over one mile of wire to activate an electromagnet which caused a ball to strike.
  • Telegraph

    signals could be transmitted by wire. Pulse currents to deflect an electromagnet, which moved a marker to produce written codes on a strip of paper.

    a remote control is an electronic device used for the remote operation of a machine.... the television. Robert Adler is the creator of this device. The first ever remote was nicknamed "Lazy Bones". Also now they have evolved into video game controllers as well.
  • High alititude flying windmill

    High alititude flying windmill
    developed by the italian company, Italcementi. The windmill can reduce pollution by up to 60%. Titanium dioxide is the bas for the photocatalyzer. The machine the maintenace requirements for concrete by destroying most polluants that causes discoloration