The Neolithic revolution

  • 8000 BCE

    oooh cereal

    oooh cereal
    Wheat is grown in the Middle East - the first cereal cultivated by man
  • 6500 BCE

    Survival town

    Survival town
    Catal Huyuk, in Anatolia, is the most extensive surviving example of a neolithic town
  • 3000 BCE

    Running is Causuals

    Running is Causuals
    Wheels are in use on carts, particularly where wood is easily available and the ground rough - as in the forests of Europe
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 8000 BCE

    The Neolithic change

  • Barley takes fame in the East!

    Barley takes fame in the East!
    Barley is cultivated in the Middle East
  • time to prosper

    time to prosper
    The ending of the most recent ice age, making large prey extinct and the land more fertile, both prompts and enables humans to develop permanent settlements