
The Nazi party

By JordD04
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of germany

  • Period: to

    Farmer's incomes increase by 41%

  • Reichstag fire

  • The Decree for the Protection of the Nation and State

    Removed many human rights and put Hitler in a larger position of power. Gave the state more controll over the media.
  • First permanent concentration camp established

  • The Enabling Act

    Allowed Hitler to act without Parliament
  • Nazi takeover of works councils

  • The Civil Service Act

    All leaders of Civil services must be "racially pure" and politically reliable. All must conform to Nazizm or be replaced.
  • Law for the protection of the Retail trade

    Banned the expansion of large department stores, also limited the services of department stores.
  • Establishment of the DAF

  • Ban of Trade Unions

  • German Labour Front establishes

  • Law on the Trustees of Labour

    Gave officials the power to fix wages.
  • The law to reduce Unemployment

    Subsidies for construction projects, tax rebates were offered and loans were givent o companies. However, all companies must use manual labour and women were encouraged to leave work.
  • Act to Ban New Parties

  • Reichskonkordat (The Concordat)

    Agreement between the Nazis and the Church that the Church would stay out of Politics and the Nazis would not touch the Church.
  • Reich Entitled farm law

    All farms between 7.5 and 125 hectares were declared hereditary estates, this meant they could not be sold and could only be passed down to the oldest son. Only Aryans could own farms.
  • DFW established

  • All university teachers sign Declaration in support of Hitler and the National Socialist State.

  • Gestapo Established

  • The Law for the Ordering of National Labour

    Established the basic principles on which the workplace should be run.
  • Act for the Reconstruction of the State

    Split the country up into differnt Gaues and appointed Gauleiters.
  • The Act to set up the People's Court

    Opened a series of courts that would deal with crimes in the manner of high treason and other political offences. Each court consisted of 2 profesional judges and 3 lay judges.
  • Night of the Long Knives

  • Hitler is declared President of Germany

  • The DAF begins to provide vocational traning courses

  • The German Labour front takes over responsibility for the education and training of agricultural labourers

  • Napola schools come under control of the SS

  • Period: to

    Berlin Olympics

  • Law for the incorporation of German Youth

    Gave the hitler Youth the status of an official education movement equal to schools and homes.
  • Catholic Teachers league closed

  • Adolf Hitler schools established

  • Papal Encylical

    Pope Pius XI condems the hatred imposed on the church by the Nazis.. Results in loss of influence for the Church in Germany.
  • Hitler invades Austria

  • Kristallnacht

  • the girl's Reich Labour service becomes compulsory

  • Membership of Hitler youth becomes compulsory

  • Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact

    Russia and germany agrees to split Poland equally between them.
  • Rationing of; Bread and cereal products, meats, fats and dairy products, and sugar begins.

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • France and Britain declare war on Germany

  • Period: to

    Decree on the Conversion of the Whole German Economy onto a War Footing

    Wage reductions for workers
  • Invasion of Poland

  • First Civilian bombing

  • Period: to

    Battle of Britain

  • Evacuation of Children from bombed citys begins

  • Period: to

    The Blitz

  • Germany declares war on the USSR

  • Period: to

    Germans halted at Leningrad

  • USA joins the war

  • Hitler declares war on USA

  • Dissmisal of Commander in Chief General Brauchitsch

  • Period: to

    Battle of Stalingrad

  • Red Army Counter Offensive

  • Decree for the Comprehensive Deployment of Men and Women for Reich Defence Tasks

  • Goebbels calls for Total War during speach at the Sports Palace, Berlin

  • Normany Landings

  • Capture of the Reichstag

  • Death of Adolf Hitler