The Nation of Islam Timeline

By S.R.K.
  • Founding of the Nation

    Founding of the Nation
    The nation of Islam was founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad in Detroit, Michigan, who claimed to be a prophet and incarnation of "Allah."
  • Wallace disappears and leadership is passed to Elijah Muhammmed

    Wallace disappears and leadership is passed to Elijah Muhammmed
    Wallace Fard Muhammad vanishes under mysterious conditions and leadership of the nation is passed to his assistant, Elijah Muhammad. Elijah relocates the headquarters of the nation and expands its operations. He claims that Wallace Fard Muhammad was Mahdi(a figure in Islam who restores order and justice before the end of the world).
  • Malcolm X becomes part of the movement

    Malcolm X becomes part of the movement
    Malcolm X joins the nation of Islam and becomes one of its most prominent advocates
  • Period: to

    Drama within the Nation

    Malcolm X makes controversial remarks and is kicked out of the nation by Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm points out the hypocrisy and corruption of the nation. He also reveals Elijah fathered children outside of wedlock with his secretaries(big no no). Malcolm then goes off and forms his own organization and embraces Sunni Islam. He is then assassinated by members of the nation of Islam.
  • Elijah Muhammad's Death and Renewal of the movement

    Elijah Muhammad's Death and Renewal of the movement
    Elijah Muhammad dies and is succeeded by his son, Deen Muhammad. Deen renames the organization and reforms its beliefs to align with mainstream Islam.
  • Revitilization of the Nation of Islam

    Revitilization of the Nation of Islam
    A member of the nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, breaks away from Deen and revives the nation of Islam with it's original beliefs and teachings. He becomes a black civil rights activists and preaches black empowerment. He publically hates on Jews, whites, and homosexuals.